Table of Contents

T (2)
t.i.d. (1)
t.i.n. (1)
T-Rays (1)
tab- (1)
tabe- (1)
tabes (2)
tabescent (1)
tabetic (1)
tabic (1)
tabid (1)
table (4)
tablet (2)
tabloid (1)
tace (1)
tace- (1)
tacenda (1)
Tacent (1)
tacet (2)
tach- (1)
tacho- (1)
tachogram (1)
tachy- (1)
tachylyte (1)
tachyons (1)
tachypnea (2)
tachytely (1)
taci- (1)
tacit (1)
tacit- (1)
tacitly (1)
tacitness (1)
taciturn (2)
tack (1)
tacks (2)
tact (4)
tact- (2)
tactful (1)
tactfully (1)
tactic (1)
tactician (1)
tactics (1)
tactile (1)
tactility (1)
tactilogy (1)
taction (1)
tactions (1)
tactless (1)
tactor (1)
tactors (1)
tacts (1)
tactual (1)
taeni- (1)
taenia (1)
taeniae (1)
taenial (1)
taeniasis (1)
taeniform (1)
taenio- + (1)
taeniola (1)
tag (1)
tagrine (1)
taikonaut (1)
tail (6)
tail-like (1)
tailgate (2)
tailor (1)
take (3)
take off (1)
tal- (1)
talalgia (1)
talar (1)
talaria (1)
talbotype (1)
tale (1)
talent (2)
talents (1)
tali (1)
tali- (2)
talio (1)
talipedic (1)
talipes (1)
talis (1)
talisman (1)
talk (12)
talkathon (1)
talking (1)
tall (1)
tall- + (1)
talli- (1)
tallied (1)
tallies (2)
tallow (2)
tally (2)
tallying (1)
talo- (1)
talon (2)
talonid (1)
talons (1)
talp- (1)
talped (1)
talpi- (1)
talpicide (1)
talpid (1)
Talpidae (1)
talpiform (1)
talpify (1)
talpine (1)
talpoid (1)
talus (1)
tame (2)
tampana (1)
tandem (2)
tang- (1)
tangent (4)
tangents (1)
Tangerine (1)
tangible (1)
tangibly (1)
tangiosis (1)
tangle (2)
tango (1)
tank (4)
tanorexic (2)
tant- (1)
tantalum (2)
Tanzania (4)
tap (3)
tape-worm (1)
taper (3)
tapeworm (1)
tapeworms (1)
taph- (1)
tapho- (1)
taphonomy (1)
tapir (1)
tapirine (1)
tapirs (1)
tar (2)
tarac- (1)
tarax- (1)
tard- + (1)
tardily (1)
tardiness (1)
tardive (1)
tardo (1)
tardy (2)
tare (1)
target (1)
tarp (2)
tarrier (1)
tarry (1)
tars- (1)
tarsal (1)
tarsalgia (1)
tarsalia (1)
tarsalis (1)
tarsen (1)
tarsitis (1)
tarso- (1)
tarsotomy (1)
tarsus (1)
tart (4)
tartar (2)
tarts (1)
taser (2)
task (2)
tasked (1)
tasking (1)
tasks (2)
tasmanite (1)
tast- (1)
taste (5)
tasted (1)
tasteful (2)
tasteless (1)
taster (1)
tasters (1)
tastes (2)
tastily (1)
tasting (2)
tasty (2)
tattoo (2)
tau (2)
taught (1)
taunt (3)
taunted (1)
taunter (1)
taunting (1)
taunts (1)
taur- (1)
tauri- + (1)
taurian (1)
tauricide (1)
Taurids (1)
tauriform (1)
taurine (1)
tauro- (1)
tauroboly (1)
Taurus (1)
taut (1)
taut- + (1)
tauto- (1)
tautology (1)
tautonym (1)
tautonyms (1)
tautonymy (1)
tautopody (1)
tautotype (1)
tawny (1)
tax (4)
tax- (1)
taxable (1)
taxably (1)
taxation (1)
taxations (1)
taxed (1)
taxes (2)
taxi (1)
taxi- (2)
taxicab (1)
taxicabs (1)
taxidermy (1)
taximeter (2)
taxing (1)
taxio- (1)
taxis (2)
taxo- (1)
taxon (1)
taxonomic (1)
taxonomy (1)
TDMA (1)
Te nosce. (1)
TE ruh (1)
TE wave (1)
tea (1)
teach (3)
teacher (1)
teaching (1)
team (2)
tear (10)
tearing (1)
tears (3)
teas (1)
tease (1)
teaser (1)
teat (1)
teats (1)
techn- (1)
techne (2)
technetos (1)
technic (1)
technical (1)
technicum (1)
technique (1)
techno- (1)
tect- (2)
tecto- (1)
tectonic (1)
tectonics (2)
tectonism (1)
tectorial (1)
tedi- (1)
tedious (1)
tediously (1)
tedium (1)
tee (3)
teem (2)
Teenager (1)
tees (1)
teeth (4)
teetotal (1)
teetotum (1)
teg- (1)
tegular (1)
tegulated (1)
tegument (1)
teknonymy (1)
tekton (1)
tel- (2)
telalgia (1)
telangion (1)
tele- (1)
telecast (1)
telecasts (1)
telecord (1)
telecords (1)
telegamid (1)
telegenic (1)
telegony (1)
telegram (1)
telegraph (1)
telemachy (1)
telemeter (1)
telemetry (1)
teleo- (1)
teleology (1)
teleonomy (1)
teleosis (1)
teleost (1)
telepathy (1)
telepheme (1)
telephone (1)
telephony (1)
telephoto (1)
teleplay (1)
teleport (1)
teleports (1)
teleran (1)
telergic (1)
telergy (1)
telescope (1)
telescopy (1)
teleseism (1)
telesis (1)
telestich (1)
telethon (1)
telethons (1)
teletype (1)
teletyped (1)
teletyper (1)
teleview (1)
televise (1)
televised (1)
televisor (1)
Telex (1)
tell (1)
telling (1)
tellur- (1)
tellural (1)
telluri- (1)
tellurian (1)
telluric (1)
tellurion (2)
tellurism (1)
tellurium (2)
tellurous (1)
Tellus (3)
telm- (1)
telmat- (1)
telmato- (1)
telmi- (1)
telmicole (1)
telo- (2)
teloblast (1)
telomere (1)
telomeres (1)
telomeric (1)
telopause (1)
telophase (1)
telotaxis (1)
telpher (1)
telstar (1)
temblor (1)
temblors (1)
temene (1)
temenos (1)
temer- (1)
temerary (1)
temerat (1)
temerity (2)
temerous (1)
temn- (2)
temno- (2)
temp (1)
temp- (2)
temper (2)
tempera (1)
tempera- (1)
temperate (1)
tempered (2)
temperer (1)
temperers (1)
tempering (2)
tempers (2)
tempest (2)
tempests (1)
tempi (1)
templar (1)
templars (1)
template (1)
templates (1)
temple (2)
templed (1)
temples (1)
templet (1)
templum + (1)
tempo (1)
tempo- (1)
tempor- (2)
temporal (1)
temporary (1)
temporize (1)
temporo- (1)
tempos (1)
tempt (1)
tempt- (2)
temptable (1)
tempter (1)
temptress (1)
ten (3)
ten- (3)
tenable (1)
tenably (1)
tenacious (2)
tenacity (1)
tenalgia (1)
tenancy (1)
tenant (2)
tend (1)
tend- (1)
tendency (1)
tender (1)
tendo- (1)
tendon (4)
tendons (1)
tendotome (1)
tendotomy (1)
tendril (2)
tendrilly (1)
tendrils (1)
tendron (1)
tenectomy (1)
tenement (1)
tenet (2)
tenets (1)
teniacide (1)
teniafuge (1)
tenial (1)
teniasis (2)
tenicide (1)
teniform (1)
tenifugal (1)
tenifuge (1)
teniola (1)
tennis (1)
teno- (2)
tenodesis (1)
tenodynia (1)
tenology (1)
tenolysis (1)
tenon (1)
tenon- (1)
tenonitis (1)
tenont- (1)
tenonto- (2)
tenophony (1)
tenophyte (1)
tenor (4)
tenositis (1)
tenot- (1)
tenotome (1)
tenotomy (1)
TENS (3)
tens- (1)
tense (3)
tensely (1)
tenseness (1)
tensile (1)
tensility (1)
tension (6)
tensioner (1)
tensions (1)
tensity (1)
tensive (1)
tensor (1)
tent (1)
tent- (2)
tentac- (1)
tentacle (2)
tentacled (1)
tentacles (1)
tentacu- (1)
tentacula (1)
tentage (1)
tentative (1)
tenter (1)
tents (1)
tenure (2)
tenures (1)
tep- (1)
tepefied (1)
tepefies (1)
tepefy (1)
tepefying (1)
tephra (1)
tephrite (1)
tephritic (1)
tephro- (1)
tephroite (1)
tepi- (1)
tepid (2)
tepidaria (1)
tepidly (1)
tepidness (1)
tepidus (1)
ter- + (2)
tera- (3)
terabit (1)
terabyte (1)
teracurie (1)
teracycle (1)
teraflop (1)
terahertz (1)
terameter (1)
teraohm (1)
teraphone (1)
teras (1)
terat- (1)
terata (1)
terata- (1)
teratic (1)
teratical (1)
teratism (1)
terato- (1)
teratogen (2)
teratoid (1)
teratoma (2)
teratosis (1)
teravolt (1)
terawatt (1)
terbium (2)
terce (1)
terce- (1)
tercel (1)
tercet (1)
terest- (1)
terg- + (1)
term (1)
term- (1)
Termes (1)
termin- (1)
terminal (2)
terminals (1)
terminate (1)
termini (1)
terminus (2)
termit- (1)
termitary (1)
termite (2)
termites (2)
terms (1)
tern (1)
tern- (1)
ternary (1)
terne (1)
terr- (1)
Terra (2)
terra- (1)
terrace (1)
terraces (1)
terracing (1)
terrae (1)
terraform (1)
terrain (1)
terrains (1)
terramara (1)
terrane (1)
terranes (1)
terraria (1)
terrarium (1)
terrazzo (1)
terrazzos (1)
terrella (1)
terrellae (1)
terrellas (1)
terrene (1)
terreous (1)
terrevert (1)
terri- (1)
terrible (4)
terribly (1)
terricole (1)
terrier (1)
terriers (1)
terrific (1)
terrified (2)
terrifier (1)
terrifies (1)
terrify (1)
terrine (1)
terrines (1)
territory (1)
terroir (1)
terroirs (1)
terror (3)
terrorism (1)
terrorist (1)
terrorize (1)
terrors (1)
terti- (1)
tertipara (1)
tertius (1)
TES (1)
tessara (1)
tessara- (1)
tessarace (1)
tessarae (1)
tessella (2)
tessellar (1)
tessera- (1)
tesseract (1)
tesseral (1)
test (3)
test- (2)
testa (1)
testa- (1)
Testacea (1)
testae (1)
testament (1)
testamur (1)
testate (1)
testator (1)
testatrix (1)
teste (1)
tested (2)
testes (3)
testi- (1)
testicle (1)
testicles (1)
testify (1)
testily (1)
testimony (1)
testiness (1)
testing (1)
testis (2)
testoid (2)
tests (2)
testu (1)
testud- + (1)
testudo (1)
testum (1)
testy (1)
tetan- (1)
tetani- (1)
tetanic (1)
tetano- (1)
tetanus (1)
tetany (1)
tetart- (1)
tetr- (1)
tetra- (1)
tetracid (1)
tetrad (1)
tetragamy (1)
tetraglot (2)
tetragon (1)
tetragram (1)
tetralogy (1)
tetrapod (1)
tetrapods (1)
tetrapus (1)
tetrarch (1)
tetrarchy (2)
tetrasome (1)
tetraxon (1)
tetraxons (1)
tetrode (1)
tetrotus (1)
tetrovert (1)
tetroxide (1)
tex- (1)
Texas (1)
text (1)
text- (1)
texted (1)
textile (1)
texting (1)
textrine (1)
textual (1)
textually (1)
texture (1)
TGI (1)
Thai days (1)
thal- (1)
thalam- (1)
thalami (1)
thalamus (2)
thalass- (1)
thalassi- (1)
thalassic (1)
thalassin (1)
thalasso- (1)
thalatto- (1)
Thalia (2)
thall- (1)
thalli- + (1)
thallium (2)
thallo- (1)
thallos (1)
thallus (1)
thamn- (1)
thamno- + (1)
than (1)
thanas- (1)
thanat- (1)
thanatism (1)
thanatist (1)
thanato- (1)
thanatoid (1)
Thanatos (3)
thankful (1)
Tharros (1)
that (2)
that is (4)
thaumat- (1)
thaumato- (1)
The (9)
the ankle (1)
the anus (1)
the back (1)
the best (1)
the boss (1)
the brain (1)
the chin (1)
the colon (1)
the color (1)
The Deep (1)
the devil (1)
the earth (1)
the flat (1)
the grave (1)
the liver (1)
the metal (2)
the Moon (2)
the Myth (1)
the nails (1)
the ocean (1)
the other (1)
The Raven (1)
the same (1)
the sea (2)
the sky (2)
the Sun (3)
the thyme (1)
the uvea (1)
The word (1)
the- (3)
theandric (2)
theandry (1)
thearchy (1)
theat- (1)
theater (1)
theaters (1)
theatr- (1)
theatre (1)
theatres (1)
theatric (1)
theatrics (1)
thebaine (1)
thec- (1)
theca (1)
theca- (1)
thecae (2)
thecal (1)
thecata (1)
thecate (1)
theci- (1)
thecitis (1)
thecium (1)
theco- (1)
thecosome (1)
theft (2)
their (1)
theism (1)
theisms (1)
theist (2)
theistic (1)
theists (1)
thel- (1)
thele- (1)
thelitis (1)
thelium (1)
thelo- (1)
theloncus (1)
thely- (1)
thelypara (1)
them- (1)
themat- (1)
thematic (1)
theme (2)
themes (1)
Themis (1)
then (5)
thence (1)
theo- (1)
Theobroma (1)
theocracy (1)
theocrasy (1)
theocrat (1)
theocrats (1)
theodicy (1)
theodies (1)
Theodora (1)
Theodore (1)
Theodosia (1)
theodrama (1)
theody (1)
theogamy (1)
theogony (1)
theohuman (1)
theolatry (1)
theolepsy (1)
theolog (1)
theologs (1)
theologue (1)
theology (1)
theomach (1)
theomachs (1)
theomachy (1)
theomancy (1)
theomania (1)
theometry (1)
theonomy (1)
theopathy (1)
theophagy (1)
theophany (1)
theophile (1)
theophily (1)
theor- (1)
theorein (1)
theorem (1)
theoria (2)
theorist (1)
theorize (1)
theorized (1)
theorizes (1)
theory (1)
theosophy (1)
ther- (1)
therap- (1)
therapist (1)
therapy (1)
there (1)
therefor (1)
therefore (2)
theri- (1)
Theria (1)
theriac (1)
theriaca (1)
therian (1)
therio- (1)
therioid (1)
therm (1)
therm- (1)
thermad (1)
Thermae (1)
thermal (6)
thermally (1)
thermals (5)
therme (1)
thermefy (1)
thermi- (1)
thermic (1)
thermion (1)
thermit (1)
thermite (1)
thermo- (1)
thermojet (1)
Thermos® (1)
thermoset (1)
thermosis (1)
thero- (1)
theroid (1)
therology (1)
theropod (1)
thes- (1)
thesaur- (1)
thesaural (1)
thesauri (1)
thesauroi (1)
thesauros (1)
thesaurus (3)
theses (1)
thesis (1)
thespian (1)
thespians (1)
thet- (1)
theta (2)
thetagram (1)
thetic (1)
thetical (1)
theugists (1)
theurgic (1)
theurgies (1)
theurgist (1)
theurgy (1)
they mean (1)
theyre (1)
thi- (1)
thick (7)
thicket (2)
thickness (1)
thief (3)
thievish (1)
thigh (1)
thigm- (1)
thigmo- (1)
thin (6)
thin- (1)
thing (1)
thing dug (1)
things (1)
thini- (1)
thinic (1)
thinicole (1)
think (2)
think of (1)
Thinking (5)
thino- (1)
thio- (1)
thiobios (1)
thioether (1)
thiogenic (1)
thion- (1)
thionic (1)
thiopexic (1)
thiopexy (1)
thiophil (2)
thiophile (1)
thiophily (1)
third (3)
thirst (1)
thirsty (1)
this (1)
thixo- + (1)
Thomas B. (1)
thong (1)
thorac- (1)
thoracal (1)
thoracic (1)
thoracic- (1)
thoraco- (1)
thorax (2)
thorium (2)
thorn (2)
thorny (1)
thorough (1)
thought (4)
Thoughts (3)
thousand (2)
thousands (1)
thrash (1)
thread (5)
threaten (1)
three (1)
threefold (1)
threnode (1)
threnodes (1)
threnodic (1)
threnody (1)
threps- (1)
threpsis (1)
threpso- (1)
thresh (1)
threshold (1)
threw (1)
thrice (2)
thrill (2)
throat (7)
throbbing (1)
throe (2)
throes (2)
thromb- (1)
thrombi (1)
thrombo- (1)
thromboid (1)
thrombus (1)
throne (2)
throng (2)
thronged (1)
through (4)
throw (3)
throw in (1)
throw up (1)
thrown (1)
throws (2)
thru (1)
thrushes (1)
thrust (4)
Thule (1)
thulium (2)
thumb (3)
Thumbs Up (1)
thump (1)
thunder (5)
thundered (1)
thunders (2)
thundery (1)
Thursdaeg (1)
Thursday (2)
thus (1)
thygater- (1)
thygatr- (1)
thygatri- (1)
thygatro- (1)
thyla- + (1)
thylacine (1)
thylakoid (1)
thym- (3)
thyme (2)
thyme oil (1)
thymene (1)
thymi- (2)
thymiama (1)
thymic (2)
thymine (1)
thymitis (1)
thymo- (3)
thymocyte (1)
thymol (1)
thymolize (1)
thymoma (1)
thymonoic (1)
thymopexy (1)
thymos (2)
thymosin (1)
thymotic (1)
thymotics (1)
thymous (1)
Thymus (1)
thymy (1)
thyr- (1)
thyre- (1)
thyreo- (1)
thyro- (1)
thyroid (1)
thyroid- (1)
thyroido- (1)
Ti (1)
Tibetan (1)
tibi- + (1)
tibia (1)
tibiae (1)
tibial (1)
tibialgia (1)
tibias (1)
tibio- (1)
tibral (1)
tic (1)
tick (1)
ticket (3)
tickle (2)
tickling (1)
ticks (1)
tide (2)
tie (1)
tied (1)
tier (3)
tierce (1)
tiger (4)
tigerish (1)
tigers (1)
tight (4)
tigr- (1)
tigress (2)
tigri- (1)
tigrine (1)
tigrish (1)
tigroid (1)
tigrology (1)
tild- (1)
tilde (1)
tiling (1)
till (3)
till- (1)
tillexis (1)
tillo- (1)
tilmus (1)
tim- (1)
timber (2)
timbre (1)
Time (7)
timely (1)
times (1)
timi- (1)
timid (2)
timidity (2)
timidly (1)
timidness (1)
timocracy (1)
timorous (2)
timpanist (1)
tin (3)
tin- (1)
ting- (1)
tinge (1)
tinnit- (1)
tinnitus (1)
tinsel (1)
tintype (1)
tiny (3)
tip (7)
tip end (1)
tiph- (1)
tiphad (1)
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tiphi- (1)
tiphia (1)
tiphic (1)
tiphicole (1)
tiphium (1)
tipho- (1)
tipple (1)
tippler (1)
tippling (1)
tire (1)
tiredness (1)
tiro (1)
tiro- (1)
tirocinia (1)
tiromancy (1)
tironic (1)
tironism (1)
tironisms (1)
tiros (1)
tissicula (1)
tissue (7)
tissues (1)
Titan (2)
titan- (1)
Titaness (2)
Titanic (2)
Titanism (1)
Titanisms (1)
titanium (3)
titano- (1)
Titans (2)
titill- (1)
titillate (1)
titillo- (1)
title (5)
titled (1)
titles (2)
titling (1)
titlist (1)
titlists (1)
titmice (1)
tittle (1)
titu- (1)
titular (1)
titularly (1)
titulary (1)
titulus (1)
Tiwesdaeg (1)
TLD (1)
TMJ (1)
to (4)
to abide (1)
to act (4)
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to agree (2)
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to annoy (1)
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to arouse (1)
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to assess (2)
to assign (1)
to attach (1)
to attack (1)
to avoid (1)
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to be hot (1)
to be mad (2)
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to bestow (1)
to bewail (1)
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to botany (1)
to bother (1)
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to bubble (2)
to build (3)
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to bury (1)
to buy (1)
to caress (1)
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to cart (1)
to cast (1)
to cause (5)
to change (1)
to charm (1)
to chew (2)
to choke (1)
to clap (1)
to climb (1)
to cloak (1)
to close (4)
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to convey (1)
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to count (2)
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to creep (1)
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to curdle (1)
to cut (5)
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to divide (2)
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to empty (1)
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to feel (2)
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to float (1)
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to flow (2)
to fly (1)
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to freeze (1)
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to give (4)
to gleam (1)
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to gnash (1)
to go (6)
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to gorge (1)
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to grind (2)
to grow (2)
to guess (1)
to guide (2)
to hang (1)
to harm (2)
to hate (1)
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to heed (1)
to hide (1)
to hint (1)
to hit (2)
to hold (1)
to honor (1)
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to hunt (1)
to hurl (2)
to hurry (1)
to hurt (2)
to inform (1)
to ingest (1)
to injure (2)
to insert (1)
to invent (1)
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to jingle (1)
to judge (3)
to jump (1)
to kindle (1)
to know (2)
to lag (1)
to lament (1)
to laugh (1)
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to lean (1)
to leap (1)
to learn (2)
to leave (2)
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to lie (2)
to lift (1)
to listen (1)
to live (1)
to look (1)
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to loosen (1)
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to mark (1)
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to meet (2)
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to modify (1)
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to move (2)
to muse (1)
to nest (2)
to notice (1)
to nurse (1)
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to open (2)
to order (1)
to pack (1)
to pass (1)
to pat (1)
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to place (4)
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to pluck (3)
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to polish (1)
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to pour (1)
to press (1)
to pull (1)
to punch (1)
to purge (1)
to purify (1)
to push (1)
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to quiver (1)
to rage (1)
to raise (3)
to rattle (1)
to rave (1)
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to recite (1)
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to record (1)
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to reject (1)
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to remove (1)
to rend (1)
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to ripen (2)
to rise (3)
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to rub (5)
to rule (4)
to run (2)
to rush (1)
to sail (1)
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to seem (1)
to seethe (1)
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to send (2)
to serve (1)
to set (1)
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to shape (1)
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to show (4)
to shun (1)
to shut (3)
to sift (1)
to sin (1)
to sing (1)
to singe (1)
to sit (1)
to slip (1)
to smell (3)
to smoke (1)
to smooth (1)
to snatch (1)
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to soften (2)
to soothe (1)
to speak (2)
to spend (1)
to split (1)
to spoil (1)
to spread (1)
to squint (1)
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to step (1)
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to stuff (1)
to suck (2)
to summon (1)
to surge (1)
to swell (2)
to swim (1)
to take (3)
to talk (2)
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to test (2)
to think (2)
to thresh (1)
to throw (1)
to till (1)
to trace (1)
to track (1)
to travel (1)
to tread (1)
to trim (1)
to try (1)
to turn (1)
to twist (2)
to twitch (1)
to unite (1)
to untie (1)
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to wash (1)
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to wed (1)
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toco- (1)
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tocograph (1)
tocology (1)
tocolysis (1)
tocolytic (2)
tocomania (1)
tocometer (1)
tocus (1)
today (1)
Todd (1)
toe (3)
toed (1)
toenails (1)
toes (1)
together (5)
toil (3)
toilet (3)
Toilets (15)
tok- (1)
token (1)
toko- (1)
tokogeny (1)
tokology (1)
tol- (1)
told (1)
tole (1)
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toll (2)
toll- (1)
tolled (1)
tomb (1)
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tomo- (1)
tomomania (1)
tomorrow (3)
ton (1)
ton- (1)
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tondi (1)
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tonoplast (1)
tonoscope (1)
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tonotopic (1)
tonsil (3)
tonsill- (1)
tonsilla (1)
tonsillar (1)
tonsillo- (1)
tonsolith (1)
too (2)
tool (4)
toot (2)
tooth (3)
top (6)
top- (1)
topalgia (1)
toparch (1)
toparchy (1)
topectomy (1)
topiary (1)
topic (1)
topical (1)
Topics (1)
topmost (1)
topo- (1)
topocline (1)
topolatry (1)
topology (1)
topomancy (1)
toponym (1)
toponymic (1)
toponymy (1)
topophobe (1)
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topotype (1)
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torpified (1)
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torpitude (1)
torpor (2)
torqu- (1)
torque (1)
torques (1)
Torrands (1)
torrefied (2)
torrefies (1)
torrefy (1)
Torrerts (1)
torrid (1)
torrider (1)
torridest (1)
torrified (1)
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torrify (1)
tors- (1)
torsion (1)
torsional (1)
torsions (1)
tort (2)
tort- (1)
torte (1)
tortilla (1)
tortillas (1)
tortion (1)
tortions (1)
tortoise (4)
tortoises (1)
torts (1)
tortu- (1)
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torturers (1)
tortures (2)
torturing (1)
torturous (2)
torx (1)
torxes (1)
tos (1)
tot (1)
tot- + (1)
total (1)
total- (1)
totality (1)
totally (2)
totipalmi (1)
touch (5)
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touchy (1)
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toxic (1)
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toxicosis (1)
toxigenic (1)
toxin (1)
toxin- (1)
toxinemia (1)
toxinosis (1)
toxo- (1)
toxogen (1)
toxoid (1)
toxolysin (1)
toxophile (1)
toxophily (1)
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trace (3)
traceable (1)
traceably (1)
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tractably (1)
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tragi- (1)
tragia (1)
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tragical (1)
tragico- (1)
tragion (1)
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trago- (1)
tragoidia (1)
tragopan (1)
tragus (1)
trai- (1)
trail (1)
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train (2)
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trainer (1)
training (1)
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trance (1)
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transfer (2)
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transmute (1)
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transport (2)
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transude (1)
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trapezoid (1)
trapping (2)
trappings (2)
trash (1)
traum- (1)
trauma (2)
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trench (3)
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trepidly (1)
trepopnea (1)
tres (1)
trespass (1)
trey (1)
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triad (1)
triage (1)
trialogue (1)
triandric (1)
triangle (1)
triangles (1)
triannual (1)
triarch (1)
triarchy (1)
Triassic (1)
triathlon (1)
trib- (2)
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tributary (1)
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tributes (1)
triceps (1)
Tricerion (1)
trich- (1)
trichina (1)
trichite (1)
trichites (1)
trichitis (1)
tricho- (1)
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trident (2)
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trifecta (1)
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trifocal (1)
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trigamist (1)
trigamous (1)
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trigeminy (1)
triginta (1)
triglot (1)
triglyph (1)
trigon (1)
trigon- + (1)
trigona (1)
trigonal (1)
trigone (1)
trigonid (1)
trigono- (1)
trigonum (1)
trigram (1)
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trigynous (1)
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trilabe (1)
trilemma (1)
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trimachia (1)
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trinal (1)
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trine (1)
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trio (1)
trionym (1)
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triplex (1)
triploid (1)
triploidy (1)
triplopia (1)
triply (1)
tripod (2)
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tripodia (1)
Tripoli (1)
tripsis (1)
triradial (1)
trireme (2)
trisect (1)
triskele (1)
triskelia (2)
trism- + (1)
trismic (1)
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tritiums (1)
trito- (1)
tritocere (1)
Triton (1)
tritone (1)
tritones (1)
tritor (1)
tritors (1)
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triumph (1)
triumph- (1)
triumphal (2)
triumpher (1)
triumvir (1)
triune (1)
trivalent (1)
trivet (2)
Trivia (3)
trivial (2)
trivially (1)
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triweekly (1)
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trizonal (1)
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trochoid (1)
trogl- (1)
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troglons (1)
trokhilia (1)
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trop- (1)
trope (1)
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trophic (1)
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trophism (1)
tropho- (1)
trophy (1)
tropic (1)
tropical (1)
tropics (1)
tropism (1)
tropisms (1)
tropist (1)
tropists (1)
tropo- (1)
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tropology (1)
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truckling (1)
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trussing (1)
trust (4)
trustee (1)
trusty (2)
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tsaricide (1)
TTTS (1)
tub (1)
tub- (1)
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tubicoled (1)
tubicoles (1)
tubing (1)
tubular (3)
tubulated (1)
tubulose (1)
tubulous (1)
tubulure (1)
Tudor (2)
Tuebor. (1)
Tuesday (2)
tuft (1)
tuit- (1)
tuition (1)
tuitional (1)
tuitions (1)
tulle (1)
tum- (1)
tumble (2)
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tumefing (1)
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tumescent (1)
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tumor (3)
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tumult (1)
tumults (1)
tun (1)
tuna fish (1)
tung sten (1)
tungsten (2)
tunic (2)
tur- + (1)
turb- (1)
Turbels (1)
turbid (2)
turbidite (1)
turbidity (1)
turbidly (1)
turbin- (1)
turbinal (1)
turbinals (1)
turbinate (2)
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turbines (1)
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turbofan (1)
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turbot (1)
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turdine (1)
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turgidity (1)
turgidly (1)
turkey (2)
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turmoils (1)
turn (11)
turning (5)
turnsol (1)
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turpitudo (1)
turr- (1)
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turtle (2)
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tussal (1)
tussive (1)
tut- (1)
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twist (5)
twisted (3)
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twitching (1)
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two (5)
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twofold (1)
tych- (1)
Tyche (2)
tychism (1)
tychisms (1)
tychite (1)
tychites (1)
tycho- (1)
tyfon (1)
tyfons (1)
tyl- (1)
tylectomy (1)
tylo- (1)
tyloma (1)
tylopod (2)
Tylopoda (1)
tylosis (1)
tylostyle (1)
tylotate (1)
tylote (1)
tylotic (1)
tylotoxea (1)
tympan- (1)
tympanal (1)
tympania (1)
tympanic (2)
tympanion (1)
tympanism (1)
tympanist (1)
tympano- (1)
tympanous (1)
tympanum (1)
tympany (1)
typ- (1)
type (1)
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typhinia (1)
typhl- (1)
typhlitis (1)
typhlo- (1)
typhlon (1)
typhlos (1)
typhlosis (1)
typhloti (1)
typhlotic (1)
typho- (1)
typhoid (1)
typhoidal (1)
Typhon (2)
typhon- (1)
typhons (1)
typhoon (1)
typhoons (1)
typhous (1)
typhus (1)
typical (1)
typically (1)
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typonymal (1)
typonymic (1)
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tyranness (1)
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tyrannish (1)
tyrannize (1)
tyrannous (1)
tyranny (1)
tyrant (1)
tyrants (1)
Tyre (1)
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tyro (2)
tyro- (2)
tyrociny (1)
tyroid (1)
tyroma (1)
tyromancy (1)
tyronic (1)
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tyrosine (1)
tyrosis (1)