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tang-, tact-, tast-, ting-, -tig -tag, -teg-
(page 7)
taste (verb), tastes; tasted; tasting
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tang-, tact-, tast-, ting-, -tig -tag, -teg-
(page 7)
Units related to:
(Greek: taste)
(Latin: taste, tasting)
(Latin: feeling, perception through physical awareness; to discern or detect by touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing, etc.)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek and Latin, alumen, a substance having an astringent taste; metal)
(Greek > Latin: wood sorrel; the leaves of the wood sorrel are acidic to the taste)
(Latin: wise, wisdom, to be wise, to have wisdom; to know, knowledge; to taste [of], to perceive)
(once considered in poor taste; the joke was not nearly as vulgar as those that are currently expressed on many U.S. TV shows)
Word Entries containing the term:
gustatory illusion, taste illusion
An aberrant taste sensation; such as, dysgeusia (abnormal or impaired sense of taste), hypergeusia (abnormally sharp or acute sense of taste), and parageusia (disordered, hallucinatory, or abnormal sense of taste); also classified as a "chemosensory disorder".
This entry is located in the following unit:
gust-, gusti-
(page 2)
taste pores, gustatory pores
The external openings of taste buds on the tongue.