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troglobitic (adjective), more troglobitic, most troglobitic
1. A reference to any creature having a cave-dwelling mode of life: Some species of bats are more troglobitic than others in terms of establishing a life cycle in caverns.
2. Descriptive of an animal living entirely in the dark parts of underground dwellings: Most troglobitic creatures have become specifically adapted for life in total darkness and over time they have evolved to develop improved senses of smell, taste, and vibration detection, while losing anatomical features that are unnecessary without light; such as, eyes and pigmentation.
2. Descriptive of an animal living entirely in the dark parts of underground dwellings: Most troglobitic creatures have become specifically adapted for life in total darkness and over time they have evolved to develop improved senses of smell, taste, and vibration detection, while losing anatomical features that are unnecessary without light; such as, eyes and pigmentation.
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bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
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-otic +
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troglo-, trogl-
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