You searched for: “thermometer
1. An instrument for indicating the temperature (heat) of any substance; usually a sealed vacuum tube containing mercury, which expands with heat and contracts with cold, its level accordingly rising or falling in the tube, with the exact degree of variation of level being indicated by a scale.
2. A tool for measuring temperature; that is, an instrument with a graduated glass tube and a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that rises in the tube when the temperature increases or goes down in the tube when the temperature decreases; in other words, the liquid rises or falls as it expands or contracts according to changes in the temperature.
Word Entries containing the term: “thermometer
electric surface-recording thermometer
An instrument that measures temperatures during oil-well temperature surveying.

It has a thermocouple, resistance wire, or thermistor as the temperature-sensitive element.

electric thermometer
An instrument which utilizes an electrical precess to measure temperature; such as, a thermocouple or resistance thermometer.

A thermocouple is a thermoelectric device used to measure temperatures accurately, especially one consisting of two dissimilar metals joined so that a potential difference generated between the points of contact is a measure of the temperature difference between the points.

One junction is at the temperature to be measured, the second is at a fixed temperature. The electromotive force generated depends upon the temperature difference.

electrical resistance thermometer, electrical-resistance thermometer, resistance pyrometer
1. A thermometer in which the sensing electrical element is a resistor whose resistance is an accurately known function of temperature.
2. Temperature sensors that exploit the predictable change in electrical resistance of some materials with changing temperatures.
electrical thermometer
1. A thermometer that uses a transducing element (a device that converts an input signal of one form into an output signal of a different form) whose element properties are a function of its thermal state.
2. A thermometer that uses thermoelectric current to measure temperature.
3. An instrument which utilizes an electrical means to measure temperature; such as, a thermocouple or resistance thermometer.
4. A thermometer indicating temperature variations by means of electrical current flowing through a circuit in which a galvanometer is inserted.

The sensitive element can be an electrical resistance whose value changes with temperature, or a thermocouple (formed by two soldered metals), which also generates specific quantities of current at different temperatures.

electronic ear thermometer
A electronic instrument that can instantly register the body temperature of a person when it is placed in an ear.

A patient's temperature can be taken while he or she is asleep and the patient will rarely be aware of the procedure because, among other technologies, it provides an active-user feedback light, and guiding proper probe positioning.

One electronic ear thermometer manufacturer claims that this device offers professional accuracy with proven speed, accuracy and ease of use, and it measures temperature in the ear in just one second, and then beeps when it is ready to be read.

A memory function displays the last eight temperatures taken and it also features an easy-to-read LCD-display which indicates the temperature in either Celsius or Fahrenheit, an auto shut-off after two minutes, and a lens filter ejector.

electronic thermometer
1. A battery-powered thermometer that registers temperature with electronic procedures with a heat-sensitive metal tip that is placed in the mouth and a computer chip electronically reads and displays the temperature in digital format.
2. A thermometer that uses a sensor, usually a thermistor, which is placed on or near an object which is being measured.
3. An instrument which is used to measure a temperature that operates with the action of an electronic sensor which is positioned next to the substance being measured.
geological thermometer, geologic thermometer (s) (noun); geological thermometers; geologic thermometers (pl)
The presence of a mineral or an aggregate of minerals defines the temperature ranges or limits of the minerals which had been formed: A geological thermometer can measure the temperatures in boreholes in order to provide information about the temperature range within which minerals had been formed.
soil thermometer, earth thermometer (s) (noun); soil thermometers; earth thermometers (pl)
An apparatus suited to take the temperatures of the soil: A soil thermometer is an instrument, commonly a mercury-in-glass thermometer, that is used to measure the temperature of soils at a great depth.
Word Entries at Get Words: “thermometer
An instrument for measuring temperature, especially one having a graduated glass tube with a bulb containing a liquid, typically mercury or colored alcohol, that expands and rises in the tube as the temperature increases.

In general, substances expand slightly when heated, and shrink when cooled. This fact gave mankind its first tool for measuring temperature accurately; that is, the mercury thermometer. Thermometer comes from the Greek words therm, "heat" and metron, "measure"; so, it is an instrument "to measure heat".

This entry is located in the following unit: Centigrade (page 1)
(historical perspectives of thermoscopes to thermometers: Daniel Fahrenheit, Galileo Galilei, Anders Celsius, and Lord Kelvin; among others, were major contributors to temperature calculations as we know them today)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “thermometer
Thermometer and Temperature Scales
Historical perspectives of thermoscopes to thermometers.
This entry is located in the following unit: Words at Work in the Print Media: INDEX (page 1)
Thermometer and Temperature Scales
The historical background of Thermometer and Temperature Scales.
This entry is located in the following unit: Index of Scientific and Technological Topics (page 2)