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thong, throng, throng
thong (THAWNG, THAHNG) (noun)
1. A narrow strip of fabric: "He used a leather thong to mend the saddle."
2. A sandal which is fastened to the foot using a narrow strip of fabric which goes between the toes and is fastened around the foot and ankle: "My left thong came undone and fell off while I was walking on the beach."
2. A sandal which is fastened to the foot using a narrow strip of fabric which goes between the toes and is fastened around the foot and ankle: "My left thong came undone and fell off while I was walking on the beach."
throng (THRAWNG, THRAHNG) (noun)
A large number of people gathered together in a location: "We watched the throng gather in anticipation of the concert in the park tonight."
"A throng of fans was waiting for the players to arrive."
throng (THRAWNG, THRAHNG) (verb)
To gather together or to crowd into a location: "After class, they decided that they would throng to the local coffee shop to celebrate passing their examinations."
"Shoppers will throng the mall for the sales that will be available next week."
Just for fun I took a survey of the throng at the beach to see how many were wearing thongs that included leather thongs as part of their compositions.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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