You searched for: “test
test (s), tests (pl) (nouns)
1. A process that is intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something; especially, before it is used in a general way: "The soil test indicated high levels of lead and so it was not considered a safe place to grow crops."

"A month's trip in the desert will put the vehicle to the test to see if it can hold up under those abnormal conditions."

2. A written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge about some topic: "The students took a vocabulary and spelling test."

"Leanne is studying for her history test; however, she has already taken the test about European capitals."

3. A careful medical study of a part of the body or of a substance taken from the body: "The laboratory test revealed a problem with the proper function of Joe's bladder."

"A urine test was made to see if Sam has any evidence of a disease."

Historical origins of the term test

In Latin, testa seems originally to have designated "a shell, a carapace" (hard shell covering an animal; such as, a turtle) which became a term that was used during the Roman Empire to mean a "vessel", that is, something concave like a shell, which could hold materials to be examined.

Later, the terms in Latin became testa, testum, testu meaning "pot, cupel (porous cup)" which could be used to test coins for their content of valable metals (gold and silver).

Coins of doubtful value were melted down in such a pot so the elements of the alloy could be separated and measured.

From "pot in which precious metals could be evaluated in their liquid state", the sense of "evaluation procedures for precious metals" evolved into that which meant "evaluation procedure" of any kind. So, test has come to mean "to perform an evaluation; to evaluate".

—Compiled from information located in
Webster's Word Histories; Merriam-Webster Inc., Publishers;
Springfield, Massachusetts; 1989; pages 461-462.
This entry is located in the following unit: testa-, test- (page 1)
test, tests; tested; testing (verbs)
1. To make procedures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of something; especially, before putting it into general use or practice: "The computer programmer tested the new application before making it public."
2. To reveal the capabilities or strengths of someone or something by putting them under stress or strain: "Such requirements would severely test any working relationships."
3. To give people a short written or oral examination of their skills or knowledge: "All teachers of academic subjects are testing students to determine how much and how well they have learned."
4. To involve medical examinations of a person, a part of the body or a body fluid, etc.: "There are times when doctors must produce a specified result in a medical test; for example, a drug test or an AIDS test."

"The athlete tested positive for steroids after the race."

5. To touch or to taste something to determine if it is acceptable before proceeding with further actions: "The cook tested the roast to see if it had been roasted enough and the gravy to make sure it was not too salty."

Historical background for this testing term

Being tested, as students know, is an examination given by a their teachers. Naturally, whenever the teachers are evaluating their pupils, they are testing their learning skills.

No matter how the word test is used now, it has come a long way from its original meanings. The term originated in Latin testa, meaning "earthen vessel" or "earthen pot".

When silver or gold was heated in a cupel, or test, any impurities would be absorbed by the porous container, leaving pure droplets of the precious metal.

The results of such practices developed into the idea of "putting other things to the test" in a way that is suitable to prove the genuineness of something that might be examined by means of experimenting, demonstrating, or experiencing.

The original figurative senses of test are seldom realized by those who now call any examination or means of evaluation a test.

—Compiled from information located in
The Story Behind the Word by Morton S. Freeman; iSi Press; Philadelphia;
1985; pages 261-262.
The Private Lives of English Words by Louis G. Heller, Alexander Humez, and Malcah Dror;
Gale Research Company; Detroit, Michigan; 1984; page 201.
This entry is located in the following unit: testa-, test- (page 1)
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A unit related to: “test
(Latin: test, tested; try; experiment; risk, danger, dangerous, hazardous)
(European Union launches first test satellite)
(Latin: upright, good, honest; to try, to test, to examine; to demonstrate)
(Latin: to try out, to influence, to test)
(Latin: testu, testum; earthen container, earthen pot; shell, skull)
(Latin: a witness, one who stands by)
Word Entries containing the term: “test
abdominal ultrasound test (s) (noun), abdominal ultrasound tests (pl)
An ultrasonic exam which provides accurate visualization of the abdominal aorta, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, biliary ducts, kidneys, ureters, and bladder: An abdominal ultrasound test is used to diagnose and locate cysts, tumors, calculi, and malformations, to document the progression of various diseases, and to guide the insertion of instruments during surgical procedures.

This entry is located in the following units: abdomin-, abdomino-, abdomen- (page 3) -al; -ial, -eal (page 3) testa-, test- (page 1)
acid test (s) (noun), acid tests (pl)
A conclusive assessment that establishes the worth or credibility of something: To prove the quality of gold an acid test is performed by using nitric acid.
This entry is located in the following units: acid-, acidi-, acido-, -acidity (page 1) testa-, test- (page 1)
ACT test
American College Test test, a college-entrance examination
This entry is located in the following units: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 1) testa-, test- (page 1)
beta test
The final stage in the testing of new computer software before its commercial release, conducted by testers other than its developers.
This entry is located in the following unit: beta; B, β + (page 2)
beta test site
An organization or company that tests a software or hardware product under actual working conditions and reports the results to the vendor.
This entry is located in the following unit: beta; B, β + (page 2)
chromosome karyotype test
A blood test used to study an individual's chromosome makeup to determine chromosomal defects associated with disease or the risk of developing disease.

It is useful in evaluating congenital anomalies, mental retardation, and delayed puberty as well as in the prenatal diagnosis of serious congenital diseases; such as, Klinefelter syndrome and Down syndrome and other suspected genetic disorders.

fecal fat test
A stool test performed to confirm the diagnosis of steatorrhea.

Steatorrhea is the presence of greater than normal amounts of fat in the feces which are frothy and foul smelling and floating; a symptom of disorders of fat metabolism and malabsorption syndrome caused by disease of the intestinal mucosa or pancreatic enzyme deficiency.

Malabsorption syndrome refers to any of a group of disorders marked by subnormal intestinal absorption of dietary constituents, and causing excessive loss of nutrients in the feces.

It may be due to a digestive defect, a mucosal abnormality, or lymphatic obstruction.

This entry is located in the following unit: feco-, fec-, faeco-, faec-, feci- + (page 1)
gamma test
A test using a strip of film to determine the degree of density in a photographic image in comparison with the degree of illumination of the object photographed.
This entry is located in the following unit: gamma; Γ, γ + (page 2)
SAT test
Scholastic Aptitude Test test
This entry is located in the following units: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 20) testa-, test- (page 1)
test dosing (s) (noun), test dosings (pl)
A method of detecting the possibility of hypersensitivity to drugs or antisera prior to their therapeutic use by administering low doses and increasing by tenfold dilutions until reaction is seen or therapeutic levels are reached: The doctor was careful to administer a test dosing to Mary before prescribing a full regimen of treatments.
This entry is located in the following unit: dat-, dos-, dot-, dow-, don-, dit- (page 6)
test protocol
A document laying down in precise detail the tests which must be performed to determine the safety of a substance, agent, or procedure in the course of clinical, experimental, or pharmacological studies.
This entry is located in the following units: proto-, prot- + (page 7) testa-, test- (page 1)
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Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “test
qualification test
A procedure applied to a selected set of photovoltaic modules involving the application of defined electrical, mechanical, or thermal stress in a prescribed manner and amount.

Test results are subject to a list of defined requirements.

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standard test conditions; STC
Conditions under which a module is typically tested in a laboratory.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 20)
The results of a diagnostic test given to premedical students who were instructed to write short meanings for a list of medical terms

artery, the study of paintings.

bacteria, the back door of a cafeteria.

barium, what doctors do when patients die.

bowel, a letter like a, e, i, o, or u.

caesarean section, a neighborhood in Rome.

cat scan, searching for a lost cat.

cauterize, making eye-contact with a girl.

coma, a punctuation mark.

dilate, to live a long time.

enema, not a friend .

euthanasia, Chinese, Japanese, etc. adolescents.

fester, quicker.

fibula, a small lie.

genital, not a Jew.

hangnail, a coat hook.

impotent, distinguished, well known.

labor pain, getting hurt at work.

malfeasance, exorbitant charges for professional services.

medical staff, a doctor’s cane.

morbid, a higher offer.

nitrates, cheaper than day rates.

node, was aware of, knew.


1. The art of writing using a pen or pencil stuck up one’s nose.

2. The writing done by a nasograph.

outpatient, someone who has fainted.

pap smear, a fatherhood test.

pelvis, a cousin of Elvis.

prophylactic, a person who favors birth control.

recovery room, place to do upholstery.

rectum, dang near killed ‘em.

secretion, hiding something.

seizure, famous Roman leader.

tablet, a small table.

terminal illness, getting sick at the airport.

tumor, more than one.

urine, opposite of “you’re out”.

vein, conceited.

—Source is unknown