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touche, touchy
touche (too SHAY) (interjection)
Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing, a successful criticism, or an effective point in an argument: "At the end of the debate, my opponent called, TOUCHE! because he was convinced that he had put forth a solid, closing argument."
touchy (TUHCH ee) (adjective)
Easily offended; very sensitive; likely to cause people to become upset: "Borrowing from the bank is a touchy subject with some people; especially, during these days of financial instability."
"She is very touchy about the color of her hair whenever anyone says anything about it."
It becomes a very touchy subject when at the very end of the debate, your opponent suddenly shouts out TOUCHE because of a slight oversight on your part.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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