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1. A self-recording thermometer that measures both air and soil temperature on a continuous display known as a thermogram.
2. A photographic record of the amount of heat radiated from the surface of a body, revealing "hot spots" of potential tumors or other disorders.
3. An instrument consisting of a thermometer, an inked stylus, and a chart for the continuous recording of the ambient or surrounding-air temperature.
4. Essentially, a self-recording thermometer that continuously records the temperature on a chart.
2. A photographic record of the amount of heat radiated from the surface of a body, revealing "hot spots" of potential tumors or other disorders.
3. An instrument consisting of a thermometer, an inked stylus, and a chart for the continuous recording of the ambient or surrounding-air temperature.
4. Essentially, a self-recording thermometer that continuously records the temperature on a chart.
This entry is located in the following unit:
thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(page 26)
Word Entries containing the term:
An instrument that creates a photographic representation of the heat of a designated underground area: A soil thermograph consists of a sensing element that transmits data to a remote recording device.
This entry is located in the following units:
soil- +
(page 2)
thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(page 17)