You searched for: “thermohypesthesias
thermhypesthesia, thermohypesthesia, thermohypoesthesia (s) (noun); thermhypesthesias; thermohypesthesias; thermohypoesthesias (pl)
Diminished sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli: As a result of his thermhypesthesia, Clarence was able to hike for miles on a cold day and still be comfortable.

Hans was sweating less than usual when he was climbing up the mountain which suggested that he was experiencing thermhypesthesia.

thermohypesthesia, thermohypaesthesia (s) (noun); thermohypesthesias; thermohypaesthesias (pl)
Diminished sensibility to heat stimuli including high temperatures: Clare had to be constantly on guard about what she was touching, especially when she was cooking because her thermohypesthesia didn't let her know when something was dangerously hot.