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1. A distinguishing quality, feature, or characteristic which typically belongs to each person: Some types of traits, or attributes, an individual can have can be earnestness, frivolity, thoughtfulness, trustworthiness, and wisdom.
2. Etymology: from Latin tractus, "a drawing"; from an early sense of a "stroke of the pen or pencil in a picture," indicating the sense of "a particular feature of mind or character" from trahere, "to pull, to draw."
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2. Etymology: from Latin tractus, "a drawing"; from an early sense of a "stroke of the pen or pencil in a picture," indicating the sense of "a particular feature of mind or character" from trahere, "to pull, to draw."
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
This entry is located in the following unit:
tra-, tract-, trac-, -tractive, -traction, -tracting, treat-, trai-
(page 9)
(using human biological traits for security screening)
(worthy traits to have within ourselves)
Word Entries containing the term:
Biometrics: Measuring Biological Traits for Security Reasons
Biometrics is used almost exclusively to measure the human-biological traits for security reasons.
This entry is located in the following units:
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(page 22)
Biometrics: Index of Units
(page 1)
(page 1)