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torrefy, torrify (noun); torrefies, torrefied, torrefying; torrifies, torrified, torrifying
1. To dry drugs, ores, etc. by subjection to intense heat: Metallic ores are usually terrified to have an intended result.
2. To dry or to parch: Drugs can be torrefied on a metallic plate until they are reduced to the condition desired.
3. Etymology: from French torréfier, from Latin torrefacere, which came from torrere, "to dry, to parch" + facere, "to make".
2. To dry or to parch: Drugs can be torrefied on a metallic plate until they are reduced to the condition desired.
3. Etymology: from French torréfier, from Latin torrefacere, which came from torrere, "to dry, to parch" + facere, "to make".
This entry is located in the following units:
fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(page 38)
(page 8)
terr-, terra-, -ter
(page 6)