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toot, toot, tout, tout
toot (TOOT) (noun)
1. A drinking spree: "After they finished their examinations, they all went on a toot for the rest of the evening."
2. A sharp note suggestive of the sound of a wind instrument: "The horn on the ferry boat sounds like the toot of a penny whistle."
2. A sharp note suggestive of the sound of a wind instrument: "The horn on the ferry boat sounds like the toot of a penny whistle."
toot (TOOT) (verb)
To make a sharp quick sound using an instrument or horn: "She started to toot on the toy trumpet that was given to her for the New Year's celebration."
tout (TOUT) (verb)
1. To praise or to publicize in an extravagant manner: "You would think I was a hero the way my friend tries to tout my financial skills."
2. To talk about something or someone as being very good, effective, skillful, etc.: "The company is trying to tout the drug as a miracle cure."
2. To talk about something or someone as being very good, effective, skillful, etc.: "The company is trying to tout the drug as a miracle cure."
tout (TOUT) (noun)
Chiefly British: Someone who attempts to spy out racing information for the purposes of placing bets: "He was apprehended for being a tout for a crime syndicate."
After going on a toot with my friends at the local bar, I was embarrassed that they were all trying to tout my competence as a rugby player.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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