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tetrodotoxin, tetraodontoxin, spheroidin
1. A highly lethal neurotoxin present in numerous species of puffer fish and in certain newts (in which it is called tarichatoxin).
3. A powerful nerve poison found in the eggs of the California newt and in certain puffer fish in Japan.
Ingestion rapidly causes malaise, dizziness, and tingling around the mouth, which may be followed by ataxia, convulsions, respiratory paralysis, and death.
2. A potent neurotoxin found in the liver, skin, and ovaries of the puffer fish, and in the California newt.3. A powerful nerve poison found in the eggs of the California newt and in certain puffer fish in Japan.
In concentrated form, it is more toxic than cyanide.
About 100-200 people become ill each year after eating fugu, or pufferfish each year. Roughly half of these intoxifications are fatal, even with immediate treatment.
You can find more information about tetrodotoxin here.
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