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An abbreviation of taximeter-cabriolet, taximeter, and taxicab.
1. Arrangement or order, as in one of the physical sciences.
2. In biology, oriented movement of a motile organism in response to an external stimulus, as toward or away from light.
3. A manipulative surgical operation to replace parts that have terminated their natural function; that is, reducing hernias, etc.
4. Structural adaptation of elements; the adaptation of parts to fit the purpose for which a building is erected.
5. A company of soldiers; especially, foot-soldiers in ancient Greece; the quota of foot-soldiers supplied by each of the ten local tribes or phylae in ancient Athens.
6. A division of military troops, a modern company, battalion, regiment, or brigade.
7. The order or arrangement of words.
8. In taxonomy, the classification of groups of organisms in natural history.
9. The response (orientation or movement in a particular direction) of a motile organism to an external stimulus.
2. In biology, oriented movement of a motile organism in response to an external stimulus, as toward or away from light.
3. A manipulative surgical operation to replace parts that have terminated their natural function; that is, reducing hernias, etc.
4. Structural adaptation of elements; the adaptation of parts to fit the purpose for which a building is erected.
5. A company of soldiers; especially, foot-soldiers in ancient Greece; the quota of foot-soldiers supplied by each of the ten local tribes or phylae in ancient Athens.
6. A division of military troops, a modern company, battalion, regiment, or brigade.
7. The order or arrangement of words.
8. In taxonomy, the classification of groups of organisms in natural history.
9. The response (orientation or movement in a particular direction) of a motile organism to an external stimulus.
This entry is located in the following unit:
taxi-, tax-, taxo-, taxio-, -taxia, -taxis, -taxy, tact-, -tactic, -tactical, -tactics
(page 9)
(Greek: arrangement, order, put in order, orientation; the movements or directed responses of motile organisms to stimuli, as indicated by the combining roots)