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1. A plaque, medal, or other award given in acknowledgment of a victory, success, or some other achievement; especially, in a sporting contest.
2. A memento that symbolizes victory or success; for example, the head of an animal killed during a hunting expedition or something taken from an enemy killed in battle.
3. Something that symbolizes a personal victory or achievement.
4. In ancient Greece or Rome, a victory memorial in a public place or near a battlefield, originally a display of enemy weapons.
5. A representation of a Greek or Roman battle trophy; such as, on a commemorative medal, plaque, or monument.
6. A decorative casting or carving showing weapons or armor on a square or circular base.
7. Etymology: a trophy is something awarded to commemorate an enemy's "turning round" and running away.
2. A memento that symbolizes victory or success; for example, the head of an animal killed during a hunting expedition or something taken from an enemy killed in battle.
3. Something that symbolizes a personal victory or achievement.
4. In ancient Greece or Rome, a victory memorial in a public place or near a battlefield, originally a display of enemy weapons.
5. A representation of a Greek or Roman battle trophy; such as, on a commemorative medal, plaque, or monument.
6. A decorative casting or carving showing weapons or armor on a square or circular base.
7. Etymology: a trophy is something awarded to commemorate an enemy's "turning round" and running away.
From French trophee and Latin trophaeum from Greek tropaion, "monument to the enemy's defeat".
This entry is located in the following unit:
tropo-, trop-, -tropal, -trope(s), -tropic, -tropism, -tropia, -tropous, -tropy, trep-
(page 4)
(Greek: food, nutrition, nourishment; development)