You searched for: “tarp
tarp, TARP
tarp (TAHRP) (noun)
A heavy material waterproofed with tar, paint, or wax; especially, canvas or plastic which is used for protecting construction projects, athletic fields, or other exposed objects or areas from rain: "The word tarp is a shortened term for tarpaulin that is used to cover things and to keep them dry."
TARP, T.A.R.P. (TAHRP) (noun)
Troubled Asset Relief Program; a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen the financial sector: "TARP allows the United States Department of the Treasury to purchase or insure up to $700 billion of troubled assets."

At the time of the flood, the staff from the TARP program set up their desks under a tarp that was hung between two trees.