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1. The movement or transfer of electric energy over an interconnected group of lines and associated equipment: The workers for the local hydroelectric company worked hard after the storm to ensure an uninterrupted transmission of power to the community.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
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miss-, mis-, -miss, -mis, mit-, mitt-, -mit, -mitt
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-sion, -sions
(page 10)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 14)
A unit related to:
(Greek > Latin: bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children)
(infectious diseases via the transmission of foul, putrid air)
Word Entries containing the term:
The large-scale production of electricity for various commercial, industrial, residential, and rural use, generally in places designed for that purpose: Although limited amounts of electricity can be generated in various ways, including chemical reactions (as in batteries) and engine-driven generators (as in automobiles and airplanes), electric power generation generally implies large-scale productions in stationary factories, or industrial sites, that are designed for that purpose.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 12)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 1)
A reinforced steel tower that support high-voltage power-transmission lines: An electrical power-transmission tower is designed to maintain a large space between conductors and between the earth's surface in order to prevent corona discharge or a discharge of electricity appearing as a bluish-purple glow on the surface of and adjacent to a conductor when the voltage gradient exceeds a certain critical value and results in power losses.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 19)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 1)
electron stream transmission efficiency, electron-stream transmission efficiency
An electrode through which the electron stream (beam) passes.
This includes the ratio of the average stream current through the electrode to the stream current approaching the electrode.
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(page 52)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 2)
An electric main that provides large amounts of power at a high voltage to remote locations.
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(page 98)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 5)
1. The study of materials by means of the electron microscope.
2. Referring to a microscope in which an electron beam replaces light to form an image.
3. A technique using an electron microscope in which a beam of electrons is focused by an electromagnetic lens and directed onto an extremely thin specimen.
2. Referring to a microscope in which an electron beam replaces light to form an image.
3. A technique using an electron microscope in which a beam of electrons is focused by an electromagnetic lens and directed onto an extremely thin specimen.
The emerging electrons are focused and directed by a second lens onto a fluorescent screen.
The magnified image which is produced is 1000 times greater than that produced by an optic microscope and well resolved, but it is two-dimensional because of the thinness of the specimen.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 101)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 14)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 4)
transmission line
A heavy wire carrying large amounts of electricity over long distances from a generating station to a place where the electricity is used.
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(page 14)
The amount of power necessary for a transmission to make certain that its network will be secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in system conditions: Jim learned about the transmission reliability margin in his computer class and realized how important it was.
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trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 14)
transmission system
An interconnected group of electric transmission lines and associated equipment for transferring electric energy in bulk between a point of supply and a point at which it is delivered to consumers or to another electrical system.
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(page 7)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 14)