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telescopically, telescopical
1. Referring to or pertaining to a telescope (sliding or passing one within another, after the manner of the sections of a small telescope or spyglass); performed by a telescope; that is, enlarging the visual angle under which a distant object is seen, and so magnifying that object.
2. Seen or discoverable only by a telescope; as, telescopic stars.
3. Able to discern objects at a distance; farseeing; far-reaching; as, a telescopic eye or a telescopic vision.
4. With machinery, having the power of extension by joints sliding one within another, like the tube of a small telescope (optical instrument used in viewing distant objects, as the heavenly bodies) or a spyglass (small telescope for viewing distant terrestrial objects).
2. Seen or discoverable only by a telescope; as, telescopic stars.
3. Able to discern objects at a distance; farseeing; far-reaching; as, a telescopic eye or a telescopic vision.
4. With machinery, having the power of extension by joints sliding one within another, like the tube of a small telescope (optical instrument used in viewing distant objects, as the heavenly bodies) or a spyglass (small telescope for viewing distant terrestrial objects).
This entry is located in the following units:
scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist
(page 29)
tele-, tel-, telo-, -telic, -telical
(page 6)