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burglar, robber, thief
burglar (BUR gluhr) (noun)
An individual who steals or attempts to take property that does not belong to that person: The burglar was caught by the police when he attempted to leave the store with the fancy TV set for which he had not paid.
robber (ROB buhr) (noun)
An individual who takes property or valuables unlawfully and often with threat of violence: The robber wore a mask and waved his gun, shouting at the people in the bank to lie on the floor before he escaped.
thief (THEEF) (noun)
An individual who takes property or steals in a very secretive manner: The thief was careful to create a sense of friendship with the rich man before he took the valuable picture off the wall.
The robber decided to employ a thief to assist him in his crimes; and because they were so clever, the police thought they were dealing with only one burglar.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group B; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 9)
Units related to:
(Latin: steal, pilfer; thievish, kleptomania, thief)
(Greek: theft, thief, steal)
(art cleptomaniac said, "I enjoy art, I love such works of art, I collected them and kept them at home")
(Latin: a literary thief; "plunderer, oppressor, kidnapper" [one who "abducts the child or slave of another"]; then by extension, to take and use the thoughts, writings, etc. of someone else and represent or claim them as one's own)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Cleptomania: Art Thief
The art cleptomaniac said, "I enjoy art, I love such works of art, I collected them and kept them at home" unit.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Units of Special Compositions, Topics, or Subjects That Provide Special Information
(page 4)