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tellurism (s) (noun)
1. The hypothesis of animal magnetism, in which the phenomena are ascribed to the agency of a telluric spirit (proceeding from the earth) or influence.
2. The alleged influence of soil emanations in producing disease.
3. A syndrome resulting from exposure to tellurium and its compounds and comprising dry mouth and skin, metallic taste, nausea, anorexia, somnolence, and vomiting.
2. The alleged influence of soil emanations in producing disease.
3. A syndrome resulting from exposure to tellurium and its compounds and comprising dry mouth and skin, metallic taste, nausea, anorexia, somnolence, and vomiting.
The breath of people working with tellurium has a strong, garlicky smell.
4. Etymology: from Latin tellus, "earth; earthy" + -ism, "suffix for forming nouns."