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till, till, till
till (TIL) (verb)
To prepare (land) for the raising of crops, as by plowing, hoeing, sowing, harrowing, etc.; to cultivate: "The farmer wants to till his land before the rain season starts."
till (TIL) (noun)
A drawer, compartment, or tray in which money or valuables are kept, as at a bank, store, etc.: "The till was opened so the sale's clerk could give the customer his change."
till (TIL) (verb)
Primarily an unstratified mass of mingled clay, sand, pebbles, and boulders, deposited by glaciers: "Scientists were assigned to examine the till from the melting glaciers."
The farmer was trying to till his rocky field when he came across a pile of till at the edge of river next to his field. He looked closely and found some gold nuggets which he took to the bank and asked that they be put in the till for safekeeping.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 4)
(Latin: to care for, to till [the ground], to cherish; to dwell, to inhabit)
(Greek: to pluck, tear, pull)