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tonic, tunic
tonic (TAHN ik) (noun)
1. An agent; such as, a medication that restores or increases body tone: "Every spring her father would take a tonic of honey and vinegar to get over the winter blahs."
2. An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence: "Her laughter is a tonic for my soul when I am upset or depressed."
2. An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence: "Her laughter is a tonic for my soul when I am upset or depressed."
tunic (TOO nik, TYOO nik) (noun)
1. A loose-fitting garment, sleeved or sleeveless, extending to the knees and worn by men and women; especially, in ancient Greece and Rome: "The Roman Emperor had a handsome gold belt fastened around the waist of his tunic."
2. A medieval surcoat, a loose outer coat, or gown worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor: "The knight's tunic was emblazoned with his family crest."
3. A long, plain, close-fitting jacket, usually having a stiff high collar and worn as part of a uniform: "The officer's tunic was accented with gold and red braid."
4. A long, plain, sleeved or sleeveless blouse: "During the summer, she prefers to wear a sleeveless tunic because of the hot weather."
5. A short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports: "Her tennis tunic was very sharp looking and very chic."
6. In anatomy, a coat or layer enveloping an organ or part: "The tunic of the blood vessel was thin and the surgeon was getting ready to repair it."
7. In botany, a loose membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus: "The cook removed the brown tunic of the onion before chopping it up so he could add it to the soup."
2. A medieval surcoat, a loose outer coat, or gown worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor: "The knight's tunic was emblazoned with his family crest."
3. A long, plain, close-fitting jacket, usually having a stiff high collar and worn as part of a uniform: "The officer's tunic was accented with gold and red braid."
4. A long, plain, sleeved or sleeveless blouse: "During the summer, she prefers to wear a sleeveless tunic because of the hot weather."
5. A short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports: "Her tennis tunic was very sharp looking and very chic."
6. In anatomy, a coat or layer enveloping an organ or part: "The tunic of the blood vessel was thin and the surgeon was getting ready to repair it."
7. In botany, a loose membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus: "The cook removed the brown tunic of the onion before chopping it up so he could add it to the soup."
He spilled some tonic on his tunic. He looked so comical, the sight was a tonic for our low spirits.
Then he changed his tunic and reached for another tonic to sooth his hurt feelings.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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(Greek: tunic, covering; a reference to the chemical constituent of crab and lobster shells)
(Latin: innermost tunic of the eye; from ret[e], "net" plus -ina, "like")