You searched for: “technician
1. A person conversant with the technicalities of a particular subject.
2. One skilled in the technique or mechanical part of an art, as music or painting.
3. A person qualified in the practical application of one of the sciences or mechanical arts; now especially, a person whose job is to carry out practical work in a laboratory or to give assistance with technical equipment.
4. A person who is skilled in specific industrial techniques.
Word Entries containing the term: “technician
electrocardiographic technician
A health worker with special training and experience in operating and maintaining electrocardioraphic equipment and providing recorded data for diagnositic reviews by a physician.
electrographic technician
A health care provider with special training and experience to assist the physician in recording and analyzing muscle action potentials with the use of various electronic devices.
electromyographic technician
A health-care provider with special training and experience to assist the physician in recording and analyzing muscle action potentials with the use of various electronic devices.
electronics technician
A technician with both theoretical and practical training in electronics technology who is qualified to work under the direction of an electronics engineer or independently in assembling, testing, and repairing electronic equipment, in factories, laboratories, and in private business.