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tern, terne, turn, turn
tern (TURN) (noun)
Any of a number of sea birds that are smaller than the typical seagull and are characterized by narrow wings, forked tails, and a white body with a black cap: "I could watch the tern sweep the sky for hours because it was so graceful."
terne (TURN) (noun)
An alloy of tin and lead used as a coating in the production of terne plate: "The master foundry operator knew the secret formula to produce terne; also known as terne plate."
turn (TURN) (verb)
1. To take a short walk: "We will turn into the park and go for a walk because the day is so fresh and lovely."
2. To appeal for assistance: "She decided to turn to her family for the money she needed to start up her new business."
3. To become or to gradually change: "The weather is expected to turn very cold over night."
2. To appeal for assistance: "She decided to turn to her family for the money she needed to start up her new business."
3. To become or to gradually change: "The weather is expected to turn very cold over night."
"She had to turn the key in the lock to the right in order to open the door."
turn (TURN) (noun)
1. The activity of doing something in agreed upon steps: "We each took our turn standing in line for the special concert tickets."
3. An expected or unanticipated change in the direction something is going: "The turn in the road was so sharp that she had to slow the car down so she wouldn't have an accident."
"We were playing checkers and it was my friend's turn to make a move."
2. To appeal for assistance: "She decided to turn to her family for the money she needed to start up her new business."3. An expected or unanticipated change in the direction something is going: "The turn in the road was so sharp that she had to slow the car down so she wouldn't have an accident."
My friend and I took a short turn on the beach being careful not to step on the tern nest.
Our conversation took an unexpected turn when my friend mentioned that he had discovered a new formula to make terne.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group T; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 3)
Units related to:
(Latin: bend, bending; curve, curving; turn, turning)
(Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave)
(Latin: wheel [turn])
(Greek: turn, twist; bend)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, twist)
(Greek: bend, curve, turn, a turning; response to stimulus)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, tend toward, incline)
(Latin: bend, turn)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, turn around, twist, roll)
(Latin: to cook, to prepare food, to ripen, to digest, to turn over in the mind)
(Latin: madness; crazy, rave, deranged; literally, to go off the furrow; from delirare, "to turn aside from the furrow", whence arose the meanings "to deviate, to become deranged, to be crazy, or to be delirious")
(Latin: a by-road, a turn away, go in different directions; branching away from)
(a place where the books turn their backs on visitors)
(Greek: to twist, to turn)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Sony chief seems thwarted at every turn
"Divisions and rivalries within the group still prevent its many parts from working better together."
This entry is located in the following unit:
Words Used in Headlines and Subheadlines as Seen in a Variety of Publications
(page 1)