Word Unit: Professional-Egyptian scribe story, part 1 of 2. (Egyptian schools for scribes prepared students so they could have the economic advantages of those who worked in this profession)

Early Egyptian governments were highly centralized and employed a large number of official scribes so that the development of writing skills would have been "an essential key to a life of ease and security." The scribe was considered one of the most desirable professions in Egyptian societies; however, it was a difficult vocation to achieve.

Word Unit: Professional-Egyptian scribe story, part 2 of 2 (scribe tools and symbols of one of the most important occupations of ancient Egyptian times)

While the small boys were trying to learn how to draw the special symbols, older boys tutored the younger ones or learned to take dictation on papyrus while the teacher recited proverbs. One of the proverbs that was discovered says, “Give thy heart to learning and love her like a mother, for there is nothing as precious as learning.”

Word Unit: proli-, prol- + (Latin: offspring, child)

Related "birth, born, childbirth, offspring" words: abort-; feto-; lochio-; nasc-, nat-; toco-, toko-.

Word Unit: pron- (Latin: inclined, face down)
Word Unit: Pronunciation Chart (a presentation of simplified American-English pronunciations)
Word Unit: prop-, proach-, proximo-, proxim- (Latin: nearest, near; close, closest)
Word Unit: propaga-, propag- (Latin: a spreading; to breed or to multiply; getting more widely known)
Word Unit: proprio-, propri- (Latin: one's own; to belong to a person, a thing, or a group)
Word Unit: pros-, proso- + (Greek: forward, further, onward; anterior)
Word Unit: prosely- (Greek > Latin: convert; stranger, one who has come over; to come to; to surrender; to associate with)
Word Unit: prosop-, prosopo- + (Greek: face)
Word Unit: prostato-, prostat- + (Greek: one who stands before, in front of; refers primarily to the prostate gland [so named because it "stands before" the mouth of the bladder])
Word Unit: prosth-, prosthe-, prosthet-, prostheto- (Greek > Latin: an addition; to put to, add to, to place)

Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; stato-; the-, thes-.

Word Unit: Prosthesis, Prostheses (an artificial substitute for a missing part of the body)
Word Unit: Prosthetic Devices (using cybernetic devices to enhance human mobility)
Word Unit: proter-, protero- + (Greek: former, earlier, older)
Word Unit: proto-, prot- + (Greek: first; foremost, front, earliest form of, original, primitive; chief, principal; usually used as a prefix)
Word Unit: pruri-, prur-, prurit- + (Latin: itch, itching; be wanton, be eager for)
Word Unit: psammo-, psamm-, psamme- (Greek: sand)
Word Unit: psellism-, psellismo- + (Greek: stammering; faltering in speech)