Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 1 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 2 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 3 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 4 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 5 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 6 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: Angioplasty Info and the Stent, Part 7 (reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
Word Unit: angle, angu- (Latin: a corner, a bend)
Word Unit: angui- (Latin: serpent, snake)

A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, with: "snakes or other reptiles": coluber-; herpeto-; ophio-; reptil-; sauro-.

Word Unit: angusti-, angust- (Latin: narrow, tight, slender, thin)
Word Unit: anilo-, anil- (Latin: an old woman; old age of a woman; a "venerable woman")

Related "woman, female" units: fem-; gyno-; mulie-; virgo-.

Word Unit: anima-, anim- (Latin: animal life, a living creature; living; breath; soul; mind)

Related "animal" units: faun-; therio-; zoo-.

Related life, live-word units: bio-; -cole; vita-; viva-.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; psych-; thymo-2.

Word Unit: Animal Index (animals from different perspectives)
Word Unit: Animals, A Dog and Its Extensive Human Vocabulary (a dog with a special talent for human words)
Word Unit: Animals, A Variety of Lions (this is a pictionary of lions from African countries)
Word Unit: Animals, Bears Hibernating (sleeping bears and their physical conditions)
Word Unit: animals, birds ()
Word Unit: Animals, Crows (having a "bird brain" may be a good thing, after all)
Word Unit: Animals, Elephant Shrews (shrewd configurations of the elephant shrew)

Other related "shrew" units:

Shrews: A Variety of Shrew Species.

shrew word units.

Word Unit: Animals, Lion Wants Privacy (Leo the lion does not want anyone or anything to intrude into his territory)