Word Unit:
tycho-, tych- (Greek: chance, fortune, fate, providence; by accident, an unforeseen or unexpected occurrence)
Word Unit:
tympan-, tympano-, tympani- + (Greek > Latin: drum, kettledrum; stretched membrane; from "blow, impression, to beat"; a part of the ear)
Word Unit:
typhl-, typhlo- (Greek: blind, blindness [typhlos, blind]; denotes relationship to the cecum or the first part of the large intestine, forming a dilated pouch; also called the "blindgut" or "blind intestine" [caecum, "blind, blind gut", typhlon, cecum])
Word Unit:
typho-, typh-, -typhoidal, -typhus + (Greek: to smoke; smoke, mist, vapor, hot vapor, steam, cloud, fog; stupor [insensibility, numbness, dullness]; used exclusively in medicine as a reference to fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from the fever caused by a severe-infectious disease)
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-.
Word Unit:
typo-, typ-, -type (Greek > Latin: to beat, to strike; a blow; a dent, an impression, a mark, original form; a mold; a figure, an image, a form, a kind)
Word Unit:
tyrann-, tyranni-, tyran- (Greek > Latin: an absolute ruler; an oppressor, a dictator)
Word Unit:
tyro-, tiro- (Latin: beginner, novice [also, originally, a "young soldier" or "recruit"])