Word Unit: stauro-, staur- + (Greek: upright stake; hence, "rood, cross"; cross-shaped, crosslike, crossed)
Word Unit: -staxis, -stactic, -stactical, -stactically (Greek: a trickling; oozing; to drip, dripping; denoting a flow of some kind, or from some source)
Word Unit: steato-, steat- + (Greek: fat; suet, tallow)

Related fat-word units: adipo-; lard; lipo-; obeso-; oleo-; omento-; pimelo-; pio-; sebo-.

Word Unit: Steganography (a secretly hidden coding that dates back to ancient Greece and is used even in this modern era)
Word Unit: stego-, steg-, stegano- + (Greek: covering, covered, to cover; roof; by extension, secret, secret writing, applied to a secret code, codes, or ciphers that are hidden)

A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "secret, hidden, confidential, concealed": ceal-; clandesti-; crypto-; myster-; occult-; orgy.

Word Unit: stele-, stel-, -stele, -stelic (Greek: an inscribed stone slab; a block of stone, gravestone; a column, a pillar [also a reference to certain plant structures])

Related "stone, rock" word families: lapid-; litho-; petro-; saxi-.

Word Unit: stell- (Latin: star, stars)
Word Unit: steno-, sten- (Greek: narrow, contracted; short)
Word Unit: stentor (Greek: Greek herald in the Trojan war [Greek mythology]; powerful voice [literally, "groaner, roarer"])
Word Unit: stercor-, sterco-, sterc- + (Latin: stercus, stercoris; dung, excrement, manure; feces, fecal)
Word Unit: stereo-, stere- (Greek: solid, firm, hard; three-dimensional)
Word Unit: sterno-, stern- (Greek: chest, breast, sternum, the breast bone)

Cross references of word families that are related, partially or totally, to: "breast, breasts, chest": mammill-; mammo-; masto-; mastoido-; mazo-; pectoro-; pleuro-; stetho-; thorac-.

Word Unit: sternut-, sternu- (Latin: sneeze, act of sneezing)
Word Unit: sterto-, stert- (Latin: to snore; a snoring)
Word Unit: stetho-, steth- (Greek: chest, breast)

Cross references of word families that are related, partially or totally, to: "breast, breasts, chest": mammill-; mammo-; masto-; mastoido-; mazo-; pectoro-; pleuro-; sterno-; thorac-.

Word Unit: stheno-, sthen-, -sthenia, -sthenic, -asthenic (Greek: strength)
Word Unit: stich-, sticho- + (Greek: line, row)
Word Unit: stigma- (Greek > Latin: mark, reproach; shame, disgrace; from Greek, puncture; brand; tattoo mark; point)
Word Unit: stimul- (Latin: impel, goad, sting, spur, incentive, full of incentives)
Word Unit: stingu-, -stingu, stinct-, -stinct (Latin: from -stingere and -stinguere, to separate; to quench, quenching; to wipe out, to obliterate; to goad, to stick; sticking, puncturing, probing)