Word Unit:
Calendar, Roman Style Evolution (Development of the Roman Calendar Through the Centuries)
Word Unit:
calibra-, calibr-, caliber- (French: degree of merit or importance; diameter of a bullet, cannon-ball, etc.; instrument for measuring the thickness, width, or distance through the center of a tube)
Word Unit:
callus-, callous- + (Latin: hardened skin, thick skin; a knob)
Word Unit:
calori-, calor-, calo-, cal-, cale- (Latin: heat, warm; related to caust-, (fire, burn, burnt, burner))
Word Unit:
calyc-, calyci-, calyx- + (Greek: shell; husk; cup [of a flower], used primarily in the specialized senses of "pertaining to or of a cup-shaped bodily organ or cavity"; also a reference to the "cup-shaped ring of sepals encasing a flower bud")