-sion, -sions
(Latin: a suffix found at the end of some words that make certain verbs become nouns.)
If you need any information regarding the pronunciation system being used for the words in this unit, click on this Pronunciation Chart for a presentation of simplified American-English pronunciations.
1. The incorporation of one substance into the body of a different composition: The geologists were excited about the inclusions they discovered in the mass of lava that covered the hillside.
2. The involvement of individuals in the activity of others: Hester always insisted on the inclusion of her cousins in family holiday events because she was trying to be sure everyone felt welcome and had a good time.
2. The involvement of individuals in the activity of others: Hester always insisted on the inclusion of her cousins in family holiday events because she was trying to be sure everyone felt welcome and had a good time.
An inability to understand a situation: Tim was astonished at the level of incomprehension that was demonstrated by the students in the physics class when he taught in the high school.
1. A military invasion or a raid into enemy territory: The foreign government denied that its soldiers had made an incursion across the international border.

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The navy of that nation is too weak to stop the incursion of rebel forces.
2. The action of going into a place without permission: Only the metal gate stopped the would-be thief's incursion into the neighbor's tool shed.
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The inability to make up one's mind when faced with two or more possible choices; a wavering of resolve: George overcame his indecision about what to cook for dinner by picking up the telephone and ordering a pizza.
1. A reference to a liquid or mixture created by putting ingredients into it: In the afternoon, Mrs. Charmson enjoyed an infusion of herbal teas with her delicate sandwiches and cookies.
2. The addition of a new or necessary quality or element to something: The new reporter at the local paper brought a welcome infusion of new ideas and witty style to the publication that was usually so serious and boring.
3. Any liquid substance, other than blood, that is introduced into the body through a blood vessel for therapeutic purposes: The nurse in the Emergency Ward installed a needle that was inserted into a vein of William's arm and secured so it would not have to be removed, or fall out, in order to allow the infusion of necessary medications.

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2. The addition of a new or necessary quality or element to something: The new reporter at the local paper brought a welcome infusion of new ideas and witty style to the publication that was usually so serious and boring.
3. Any liquid substance, other than blood, that is introduced into the body through a blood vessel for therapeutic purposes: The nurse in the Emergency Ward installed a needle that was inserted into a vein of William's arm and secured so it would not have to be removed, or fall out, in order to allow the infusion of necessary medications.
This cartoon helps people to have a better comprehension as to what this infusion entry means.

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A determination or a strong use of the mind: Elaine's intension to complete the final examination, despite feeling ill, was considered to be very admirable.
1. The act of intervening; such as, to mediate a dispute: The calm that prevailed at the negotiation table with the union was due to the intercession of the skilled negotiator from the federal government.
2. The action of pleading on someone's behalf: Mary went to the judge involved in the criminal case against her brother, as an act of intercession, hoping to help the judge understand that Mark was innocent of any involvement in the bank robbery because he was forced to be with them by the criminals so they could use him to drive them away in his car.
3. An attempt to settle a dispute: Several political prisoners were released from prison by the intercession of the United Nation's representatives.
4. A prayer to God, a god, or a saint on behalf of another person or situation: The religious leader lead a prayer of intercession for the health and safety of Adam's family.
2. The action of pleading on someone's behalf: Mary went to the judge involved in the criminal case against her brother, as an act of intercession, hoping to help the judge understand that Mark was innocent of any involvement in the bank robbery because he was forced to be with them by the criminals so they could use him to drive them away in his car.
3. An attempt to settle a dispute: Several political prisoners were released from prison by the intercession of the United Nation's representatives.
4. A prayer to God, a god, or a saint on behalf of another person or situation: The religious leader lead a prayer of intercession for the health and safety of Adam's family.
1. The act of disrupting an activity temporarily: In many sports activities, the intermission is often called "half time", which is a chance for the players to get a little rest and to get ready for the next half of the game.
2. A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something: Tom's professor announced a brief intermission during her lecture on astrophysics because the equipment she was using was malfunctioning.
3. A respite or recess: The judge ordered an intermission during the trial to allow the witness, who was upset, to calm down and relax before continuing her testimony.
4. The period between the acts of a theatrical or musical performance: During the intermission at the theater, Linda's parents went backstage to talk with the actors because they had worked together with each other many years before.
2. A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something: Tom's professor announced a brief intermission during her lecture on astrophysics because the equipment she was using was malfunctioning.
3. A respite or recess: The judge ordered an intermission during the trial to allow the witness, who was upset, to calm down and relax before continuing her testimony.
4. The period between the acts of a theatrical or musical performance: During the intermission at the theater, Linda's parents went backstage to talk with the actors because they had worked together with each other many years before.
The period between two designated time frames or periods of academic instruction: Mildred used the summer intersession at her university to find a temporary job until classes started again in September.
The placement of objects, either randomly or in a pattern, among other items: The interspersion of the red and green leaves in the holiday wreath for the door was very cheerful and attractive.
The placement of one item into another: The physician made arrangements for the intromission of a tube to allow for a measured drip of medication into the patient's arm.
The folding in upon itself of fabric, paper, etc. to create a space or pocket into which to place something, usually that which is small: The clever tailor was able to create an invisible pocket by the introversion of cloth on the inside of the coat.
1. A disturbance of someone's peace or privacy by an unwelcome arrival or presence: The ringing of the alarm clock at 6:30 in the morning was an intrusion into Jason's pleasant dream.
2. The action of thrusting in, or of entering into a place or situation without an invitation, a right, or welcome: The birthday party was disturbed by the intrusion of an uninvited guest.
3. An unwelcome presence or effect that agitates, unsettles or upsets something: When Kitty was staying in the hotel that her friends had recommended, she was bothered by the intrusion of the maid who entered her room without knocking.
4. An illegal entry into a place, often by force, in order to commit a crime; When the alleged burglar appeared in court, he was charged with intrusion with the intent to commit a robbery of the elderly couple who lived in the house.
5. A body of melted igneous matter that has moved while in the form of magma into pre-existing rocks with subsequent alterations of those elements: The geologist and students were interested in studying the pattern of intrusions, or flows, of lava into the cracks of earlier volcanic material on the same hillside.
2. The action of thrusting in, or of entering into a place or situation without an invitation, a right, or welcome: The birthday party was disturbed by the intrusion of an uninvited guest.
3. An unwelcome presence or effect that agitates, unsettles or upsets something: When Kitty was staying in the hotel that her friends had recommended, she was bothered by the intrusion of the maid who entered her room without knocking.
4. An illegal entry into a place, often by force, in order to commit a crime; When the alleged burglar appeared in court, he was charged with intrusion with the intent to commit a robbery of the elderly couple who lived in the house.
5. A body of melted igneous matter that has moved while in the form of magma into pre-existing rocks with subsequent alterations of those elements: The geologist and students were interested in studying the pattern of intrusions, or flows, of lava into the cracks of earlier volcanic material on the same hillside.
The pressure of the mandible movement for chewing on the lower jaw bone during mastication causing the joint to move: Sally's dentist was able to suggest exercises to relieve the discomfort in her facial muscles caused by the laterotrusion on the left side of her face.
Faulty alignment of the teeth: Eugene's neighbor had to wear a retainer to overcome the malocclusions of her teeth so she could chew her food properly.
The antonym for malocclusion is the rarely used term of "benocclusion" or "good alignments of the teeth.