-sion, -sions
(Latin: a suffix found at the end of some words that make certain verbs become nouns.)
If you need any information regarding the pronunciation system being used for the words in this unit, click on this Pronunciation Chart for a presentation of simplified American-English pronunciations.
1. The state of quenching, putting to an end, or terminating: The suppression of the demonstration in front of the city hall caused many people to be very upset with the officials.
2. The act of withholding by means of silencing, keeping quiet, or concealing: The mayor was eager for the suppression of the evidence regarding his financial activities.
3. The restraint or diminishing of discharges: The suppression of the patient's diarrhea was finally achieved when the doctor was able to curb the patient’s illness.
4. In psychology, the deliberate omission of undesirable thoughts or memories: Nicole was currently working overtime at the office to be in a mode of suppression, shutting out the horrors of the car accident she recently experienced.
2. The act of withholding by means of silencing, keeping quiet, or concealing: The mayor was eager for the suppression of the evidence regarding his financial activities.
3. The restraint or diminishing of discharges: The suppression of the patient's diarrhea was finally achieved when the doctor was able to curb the patient’s illness.
4. In psychology, the deliberate omission of undesirable thoughts or memories: Nicole was currently working overtime at the office to be in a mode of suppression, shutting out the horrors of the car accident she recently experienced.
1. A temporary disruption or stoppage of an activity: There was a suspension of subway service on the weekend due to an electrical problem.
2. A short-termed directive that an individual should no longer participate in an activity: The gang of girls received a week's suspension from school because of their aggressive behavior on the playground.
3. A part of the mechanics of automobiles or other larger motorized vehicles that holds the chassis of the car or truck to the wheels and axles: Mike, the mechanic at the garage, checked the suspension of Ted's damaged convertible and gave him an estimate of the cost for repairs.
4. A fluid, often thick, in which very small particles are present but which do not sink or float: The fruit that Margaret prepared was preserved in a gelatinous suspension.
2. A short-termed directive that an individual should no longer participate in an activity: The gang of girls received a week's suspension from school because of their aggressive behavior on the playground.
3. A part of the mechanics of automobiles or other larger motorized vehicles that holds the chassis of the car or truck to the wheels and axles: Mike, the mechanic at the garage, checked the suspension of Ted's damaged convertible and gave him an estimate of the cost for repairs.
4. A fluid, often thick, in which very small particles are present but which do not sink or float: The fruit that Margaret prepared was preserved in a gelatinous suspension.
1. An electronic device for receiving and reproducing the images and sounds of a combined audio and video signal: When televisions were first in existence, the screens tended to be very small, often measuring diagonally, corner to corner, only 9 inches (about 23 cm); however, now they are much larger and thinner.
2. A system of capturing images and sounds, broadcasting them via a combined electronic audio and video signal, and reproducing them to be viewed and listened to by people: The media industry, which includes television, is very advanced in terms of technology and is greatly admired by corporations that are intent on sending programs and messages to large audiences.
3. Etymology: about sending images by radio transmission, formed in English or borrowed from French télévision, from Greek tele-, "far off, afar, at or to a distance" + Latin vision, "act of seeing, sight, thing seen" from videre, "to see".
2. A system of capturing images and sounds, broadcasting them via a combined electronic audio and video signal, and reproducing them to be viewed and listened to by people: The media industry, which includes television, is very advanced in terms of technology and is greatly admired by corporations that are intent on sending programs and messages to large audiences.
3. Etymology: about sending images by radio transmission, formed in English or borrowed from French télévision, from Greek tele-, "far off, afar, at or to a distance" + Latin vision, "act of seeing, sight, thing seen" from videre, "to see".
1. A mental or nervous strain, often accompanied by muscular stiffness: After completing her physics examination, Margie could feel the tension in her shoulders and she had to use a heating pad to help her relax.
2. A state of strained relations; uneasiness due to mutual hostility: In the following years after the conflict between the two nations stopped, the tensions continued, fueled by distrust.
3. The stress on a material produced by pulling tends to cause lengthening or elongations: When sewing the seam on her new dress, Virginia was careful to maintain an even tension so the fabric would not become wrinkled.
4. In physiology and pathology, the condition of being stretched or strained in any part of the body; a sensation indicating or suggesting this; a feeling of tightness: In anticipation of running the marathon at school, Pamela could feel the tension building in her leg muscles and frequently massaged them to overcome the discomfort.
2. A state of strained relations; uneasiness due to mutual hostility: In the following years after the conflict between the two nations stopped, the tensions continued, fueled by distrust.
3. The stress on a material produced by pulling tends to cause lengthening or elongations: When sewing the seam on her new dress, Virginia was careful to maintain an even tension so the fabric would not become wrinkled.
4. In physiology and pathology, the condition of being stretched or strained in any part of the body; a sensation indicating or suggesting this; a feeling of tightness: In anticipation of running the marathon at school, Pamela could feel the tension building in her leg muscles and frequently massaged them to overcome the discomfort.
1. A twisting, or turning, motion of a solid item around its axis of symmetry, produced by the application of opposing forces or torques at opposite ends of something: The decorative wrought iron railing on Mary's balcony was created by exerting torsions at both ends of the rod of metal.
2. The twisting of any part that is free to move in the body: The intestines can experience torsion which may cause obstructions of the blood supply to the affected organ and pain is usually the first symptom.
2. The twisting of any part that is free to move in the body: The intestines can experience torsion which may cause obstructions of the blood supply to the affected organ and pain is usually the first symptom.
If the torsion is not corrected for the part, there can be a development of tissue death and infection.
1. The act of pouring from one container into another one; hence, transference, or the transmission of something: Frank tipped the pitcher of lemonade in order to complete the transfusion of the drink from the container to his glass.
2. In medicine, the transfer of a body fluid from one person, or animal, to the veins of another person, or animal: A transfusion involves the injection of blood or a blood component into the bloodstream.
2. In medicine, the transfer of a body fluid from one person, or animal, to the veins of another person, or animal: A transfusion involves the injection of blood or a blood component into the bloodstream.
The transfusion of large volumes of life-saving liquid into the bloodstream is also done primarily to remedy someone who has bled severely after an accident or has lost a lot of blood during surgery.
During a transfusion, the patient's pulse, blood pressure, and temperature are measured regularly and, if there are any signs of bad reactions, the transfusion is discontinued.
1. A violation of a law, a command, or a responsibility: The contractor was accused of transgression because his company failed to provide sufficient building supplies for the housing project.
2. An offense, disobedience, or sin: Participating in Sunday labor used to be considered a serious transgression against God.
2. An offense, disobedience, or sin: Participating in Sunday labor used to be considered a serious transgression against God.
A violation of a rule, or to break a law, is to commit a transgression.
1. The movement or transfer of electric energy over an interconnected group of lines and associated equipment: The workers for the local hydroelectric company worked hard after the storm to ensure an uninterrupted transmission of power to the community.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
1. The act of shoving, lunging, pushing, often with force or energy: The swordsmen were taught the art of trusion when dueling or when actually engaged in battle.
2. Displacement of a body part from its initial position: An apparent risk for boxers is the trusion of their noses which may be broken or smashed to one side.
2. Displacement of a body part from its initial position: An apparent risk for boxers is the trusion of their noses which may be broken or smashed to one side.
1. A description or particular account of something from one point of view; especially, as opposed to another one: Jan's version of what happened at the car accident was contrary to what Jim had said.
3. A special form or variation of something: Most people preferred the movie version more than the book version of the novel.

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The TV presentation is a watered-down version of what was shown in the movie.
2. A translation from one language to another: A German version of Manfred's novel will be published in English in the near future.3. A special form or variation of something: Most people preferred the movie version more than the book version of the novel.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The act or power of seeing objects with the eyes: Matt and his family were able to enjoy the visions of extraordinary beauty on their summer vacation in the national parks.
2. The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: Sharon's prophetic visions of what would happen with Ken's investments in his business encouraged him to proceed with his ideas.
3. An experience in which a person, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind: Although Ben's vision of the future was not actually present, he was still convinced that he had to commit himself to strive for those goals.
4. A vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation: Mary's husband had visions of wealth and glory all of which were only in his mind and not actual.

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2. The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: Sharon's prophetic visions of what would happen with Ken's investments in his business encouraged him to proceed with his ideas.
3. An experience in which a person, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind: Although Ben's vision of the future was not actually present, he was still convinced that he had to commit himself to strive for those goals.
4. A vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation: Mary's husband had visions of wealth and glory all of which were only in his mind and not actual.
The following cartoon about visionary illustrates the contents of this vision entry.