-sion, -sions
(Latin: a suffix found at the end of some words that make certain verbs become nouns.)
If you need any information regarding the pronunciation system being used for the words in this unit, click on this Pronunciation Chart for a presentation of simplified American-English pronunciations.
2. Etymology: from Old French cession, from Latin cessionem, from cess-, stem of cessare, "to yield".
If people want to maintain their cohesion, then they must not let minor differences of opinions interfere with their major objectives.
A written story whose facts all make sense and fit together has cohesion.
2. Particles of the same substance sticking together: Cake batter usually has cohesion because all of the ingredients are mixed together and cannot be separated again!.Tar as a substance has cohesion and so does glue.

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The traffic was snarled because of the collisions between two large trucks; fortunately, no one was killed or injured.
The collusion of the truck drivers to secretly change the speed limit signs on the highway almost resulted in disastrous collisions during the heavy rain storm.
2. An agreement or understanding for purposes of trickery or fraud: The extent of collusion to which Jeff, the farmer, did to fool his neighbor into giving him pasture land was astonishing.3. A secret agreement or working together for what is typically an illegal purpose: When the oil well failed, the operators suspected a collusion between the teams of workmen.
The reporter revealed the collusion between some city officials and certain local businesses to keep the commercial taxes low.
4. Etymology: from Old French collusion; from Latin collusionem, "act of colluding"; from colludere, from com-, "together" + ludere, "to play"; from ludus "game".

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2. An organized group of individuals, often governmental, appointed to investigate questionable activities; such as, irregularities in the construction business: Mary's uncle was appointed by the city commission to determine if the contractors were building the new housing areas according to the standards established by the city council.
3. A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered: When Alison bought her condominium, she paid a 2% commission to the real estate agent who facilitated the transaction.
4. An official document issued by a government agency conferring a rank on an enlisted person in the armed forces: Silvia's colonel made an official statement that she had received a commission as a sergeant.
2. Etymology: from Latin com-, "together" + pati, "to suffer".

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Tom's doctor described him as having a compulsion to repeatedly wash his hands even when they were clean.

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2. A privilege, right, kindness, etc. that is granted to a person or group, usually as a result of special circumstances: The university granted a concession to three visually impaired students who required the assistance of a personal reader so they could complete their final examinations.
3. A space or privilege within certain premises for a subsidiary business or service: Jerry had a refreshment concession at the local movie theater.
4. Something acknowledged or admitted: The land survey and the farmer's long held belief about land boundaries differed and the farmer granted the concession that the survey was correct and so he withdrew his complaint about errors that were made prior to the sale of his land.
5. Etymology: from Latin concessionem, from concessius, past participle of concedere, "to go, to grant, to give way".
2. Archaic, a cutting up or off; mutilation: The soldiers of ancient times suffered severe concisions in the battlefield when they were fighting other warriors who were using swords and pikes.
The cartoon provides a clear understanding of what this concision word means.

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2. The act of making up one's mind about something: Jerry made his conclusions to quickly have surgery after he discussed the problem with his doctor.
The woman in the cartoon came to the conclusion that the parrot made the long distance phone calls.

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2. A damage to an organ of the body which is usually caused by a violent blow, a shaking or some suddenly violent jolting: The automobile accident caused several internal concussions to Mrs. Jackson and so she was unable to continue driving her car anymore.
The reporter wrote an article in which he discussed the politics of his city without condescension or suggesting that he knew much more than the readers did about the situation.

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2. In law, a voluntary written or verbal statement admitting the commission of a crime: In order to avoid a long court procedure, Julia's lawyer convinced her to write a confession in which she stated that she had robbed two banks in the city.
3. A profession of emotions or beliefs; such as, love, loyalty, or faith: On Valentine's Day, Mark made his confession of love for Darlene and asked her to marry him.
4. A formal declaration of sins made confidentially to a priest or to God: Sara made her confession in her church the first Sunday of every month, as well as on her birthday, confiding to the priest what she believed were her sins and asking for God's forgiveness.