homo-, hom- +

(Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same)

This Greek prefix forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to hetero-. Don’t confuse this Greek homo- element with the Latin homo- which means “mankind”.

A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, as in the cicada.
homopteran, homopterous
An insect so called because it has wings of a uniform texture and which has the ability to suck plant juices through its mouthparts; such as, the cicada, scale insect, or aphid.
Characterized by equal statistical variances.
A hatred of homosexuality and homosexuals.
Having only one kind of spore; isosporous.
A condition in which all the flowers of a species have styles of similar length.
1. A similarity of composition, arrangement, or fossil content among rock strata of different ages or locations.
2. Similarly in arrangement of parts; the opposite of heterotaxy.
homothallism, homothallous, homothallic
A mode of reproduction in fungi and algae in which each thallus produces both male and female sex cells and is self-fertilizing.
homotherm, homothermal, homothermism
1. The maintenance of a constant body temperature despite changes in the environmental temperature; also, homeotherm, homeothermal, et al.
2. Having a uniform temperature, which does not vary with that of its surroundings, as warm-blooded animals.
homothermic, homothermy
Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature.
homotonous, homotonously, homotony
Having the same tone or sound; therefore, uniform in degree.
A reference to a flower fertilized by its own pollen.
homotype (HOH muh tighp), homotypic
A part or organ similar to a preceding, succeeding, or opposite one in the same animal; such as, one of the legs or arms.
homoxeny, homoxenous
1. Requiring only one host in the life cycle; said of certain parasites.
2. Different parasites occupying the same host splecies.
homozoic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the same animal or the same species: All the different aspects of the life habits of cats could be applied in a homozoic way, including those of the family of Felidae.

Information about Homophones and Homonyms, Explained and Demonstrated.

Another page about Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones.

Confusing Words Related to Homonyms, Homophones, etc.: Units, Groups A to Y.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.