homo-, hom- +

(Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same)

This Greek prefix forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to hetero-. Don’t confuse this Greek homo- element with the Latin homo- which means “mankind”.

1. A word of the same spelling as another, but of different origin and meaning.
2. The process of using a distinct character to represent each sound.
That method of spelling in which every sound is expressed by a single character, which represents that sound and no other.
homoioplasia, homoioplastic
The formation of new tissue of the same character as that already existing in the part.
Having a bodily osmotic regulating mechanism and body fluids that differ in osmotic pressure from the surrounding medium or from seawater.

Homoiosmotic animals include all the land and freshwater vertebrates.

homoiothermal, homoiothermic, homoiothermous
1. Any of the animals, including mammals and birds, that tend to maintain a constant body temperature.
2. Maintaining an almost constant body temperature; warm-blooded; homothermous, etc.
3. An organism, such as a mammal or bird, having a body temperature that is constant and largely independent of the temperature of its surroundings; an endotherm.
On or affecting the same side of the body.
1. Something that answers in position, proportion, or type to, or has structural affinity with, something else; a member or form of a homologous series: "Ethane is a homolog of methane."
2. In biology, a structure or part of an organism showing homology: "The wing of a bat is the homolog of the arm of a man."
homologate, homologating, homologated
1. To acknowledge; to express approval of.
2. To agree; to express assent.
homologic (hoh" muh LOJ ik); homological, homologically
Relating to or governed by homology or corresponding in structure and properties with something else.
homologize, homologizer
To make something have a similar or related structure, position, function, or value to something else.
1. Used of structures of traits having common ancestry but not necessarily retaining similarity of structure, function, or behaviour.
2. Sharing a similar or related structure, position, function, or value.
2. In biology, sharing the same origin but having a different function, as do, e.g., the wing of a bird and the fin of a fish.
3. In medicine, produced from identical tissue.
homologous chimera
A chimera formed by cells or tissues from organisms of the same species but with a different genotype.

It exists in humans most commonly when the blood of dizygous twins mixes in utero (the organ in a woman’s body where babies develop before birth).

A reference to the study or presentation of proportions.
homolographic projection
A method of map drawing by which the relative areas of different countries are accurately indicated.
The study or presentation of proportions, anatomical or geodetic.

Information about Homophones and Homonyms, Explained and Demonstrated.

Another page about Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones.

Confusing Words Related to Homonyms, Homophones, etc.: Units, Groups A to Y.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.