homo-, hom- +

(Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same)

This Greek prefix forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to hetero-. Don’t confuse this Greek homo- element with the Latin homo- which means “mankind”.

Having the petals alike or the same.
homophile (s) (noun), homophiles (pl)
A person who has a fondness for doing the same thing over and over, or for repetitions of certain activities: The elderly Mrs. Black always got up at the same time each day and had the exact same kind of breakfast, and, since she evidently was a homophile, she didn't want to upset her routine with doing things differently.
homophobia (s) (noun), homophobias (pl)
1. An intense apprehension or hatred of homosexuality or homosexuals in general; correctly termed as "homosexualphobia": Homophobia covers a spectrum of negative beliefs, feelings, values, and dispositions towards people who are thought to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
2. An inordinate aversion of monotony: Jeffrey always wanted to do his everyday chores in a different way in order to avoid the humdrum and sameness everyday, and it became so extreme that he consequently suffered from homophobia!
homophobia, homosexualphobia
homophobia (hoh" muh FOH bee uh) (noun)
1. An excessive hatred of or fear of monotony, or doing the same thing over and over again: Jerome had homophobia regarding his job because he considered it to be so terribly boring having to repeat the same process over and over.

In this case, the elements homo-, hom- come from Greek meaning "same, common".

2. A fear of or an intense apprehension or hatred of homosexuality or homosexuals in general: Sally's feelings of homophobia were so intense that she avoided the so called "Gay Parade" that was going on in the city.
3. An "obsolete term" for someone who has an abnormal fear or hatred for human beings: The Latin element, Homo, is a genus (group of more than one species) of the family Homoinidae of which Homo sapiens is the only living species and so homophobia in this case refers to a pathological fear of humankind, humanity, or people in general.
homosexualphobia (hoh" moh SEK shoo uhl FOH bee uh) (noun)
A fear of, dread of, or strong contempt for lesbians and gay men: It was difficult for him to conceal his homosexualphobia when he saw two guys hugging and kissing each other on the bus going into town.

Whenever Jack hears a negative reference regarding homophobia, or intense fear and hatred of homosexuals, his friend, who is a gay activist speaks up, insisting that the speaker should use the more accurate term which is homosexualphobia; because homophobia has another application; such as, a fear or dread of being bored or having to endure monotony; that is, having a lack of variety in his life.

For more information about the homo- elements, see the Greek homo-, hom- and the Latin homo-, hom-, hum- units for more explanations.

homophobic (adjective), more homophobic, most homophobic
1. Concerning an abhorrence of boredom: Jackie had homophobic ways of preparing the meals for dinner by using a different recipe each day of the year and never the same meal twice!
2. Relating to an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, and their culture: Mrs. Smithson never suffered from a homophobic lifestyle because she was very liberal in her ways.
homophone, homophonous
1. One of two or more words pronounced alike ("sound-alikes") but different in meaning or derivation and spelling (as all and awl; to, too, and two; rite, write, right, and wright; as well as, cite, sight, and site); also called a homonym.
2. A character or group of characters pronounced the same as another character or group.
1. In linguistics, sharing the same sound.
2. In music, relating to parts of music in which they move together in simple harmonization.
1. The quality of having the same pronunciation as one or more other words with different origins and meanings.
2. Music of a largely chordal style in which there is no independence of voice parts, but rather a simple harmonization of a melody.
1. Of the same race.
2. Similarity due to common ancestry.
Having leaves or leaflets all alike.
The condition of being of the same race.
Used to describe a tissue graft that is obtained from a member of the same species as the recipient.
homoplasy, homoplasia
Structural resemblance due to parallelism or convergent evolution rather than to common ancestry.
Having uniform polarity.
The complex carbohydrates formed from at least six identical monosaccharides; examples include starch, glycogen, cellulose, and insulin.

Information about Homophones and Homonyms, Explained and Demonstrated.

Another page about Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones.

Confusing Words Related to Homonyms, Homophones, etc.: Units, Groups A to Y.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.