-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
The improvement of something by alteration and correction; especially of literary or artistic products, methods of procedure, scientific systems, etc.; a particular instance of such improvement.
1. The process of leaving one's place of residence, or country, to live elsewhere.
2. The movement of inhabitants from one governing state to a different one for the purpose of residing in a new place.
3. In medicine, the passage of white blood cells through the endothelium and wall of small blood vessels.
2. The movement of inhabitants from one governing state to a different one for the purpose of residing in a new place.
3. In medicine, the passage of white blood cells through the endothelium and wall of small blood vessels.
1. An effort or ambition to equal, excel, or to surpass another person or people.
2. The process of trying to be the same as or better than another person; especially, by imitating.
3. In computer science, a technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another one.
4. Etymology: from the 1550's, from Medieval French émulation (13th century) and directly from Latin aemulationem, aemulatio; from the past participle stem of the Latin verb aemulari, "to rival, to strive to excel"; from aemulus, "striving, rivaling".
2. The process of trying to be the same as or better than another person; especially, by imitating.
3. In computer science, a technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another one.
4. Etymology: from the 1550's, from Medieval French émulation (13th century) and directly from Latin aemulationem, aemulatio; from the past participle stem of the Latin verb aemulari, "to rival, to strive to excel"; from aemulus, "striving, rivaling".
The administration of vaccines orally or by mouth.
1. The action of ascertaining the amount of something: The enumerations of the latest census of the country's population showed a big increase since the last enumeration.
2. A recapitulation of the heads or main points of an argument: Jim's attorney presented his enumerations of why Jim should not be convicted.
3. Etymology: from Latin enumeratus and enumerare, "to reckon up, count over, enumerate"; from ex- "from" + numerare, "to count, number"; from numerus, "number".
2. A recapitulation of the heads or main points of an argument: Jim's attorney presented his enumerations of why Jim should not be convicted.
3. Etymology: from Latin enumeratus and enumerare, "to reckon up, count over, enumerate"; from ex- "from" + numerare, "to count, number"; from numerus, "number".
Clarity of one's speech or statement from the listener's point of view: Mrs. Lawson's enunciation is so good, students rarely have to ask her to repeat anything.
The introduction of venoms into the body by means of a bite or sting.
1. The act of making someone or something equal or uniform.
2. The process of restoring all cells in a battery to an equal state or charge.
3. To adjust or to correct the frequency characteristics of (an electronic signal) by restoring them to their original level of high frequencies.
2. The process of restoring all cells in a battery to an equal state or charge.
3. To adjust or to correct the frequency characteristics of (an electronic signal) by restoring them to their original level of high frequencies.
equalization charge
A process of overcharging a battery for a short time to mix the electrolyte solution.
1. A mathematical statement that two expressions, usually divided by an equal sign, are of the same value.
2. A situation that has two or more variable aspects to be considered.
3. The act or process of making things equal or considering them to be equal.
4. The state of being the same or equivalent.
5. In chemistry, a written representation of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction or symbolic representation showing the kind and amount of the starting materials and products of a reaction.
2. A situation that has two or more variable aspects to be considered.
3. The act or process of making things equal or considering them to be equal.
4. The state of being the same or equivalent.
5. In chemistry, a written representation of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction or symbolic representation showing the kind and amount of the starting materials and products of a reaction.
1. The art and practice of horsemanship or horseback riding: Alfred is skilled in equitation because he has a lot of thoroughbreds and ponies on his farm which he is training for others to buy.
2. Etymology: from Latin equitation which came from equitare, "to ride a horse".

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2. Etymology: from Latin equitation which came from equitare, "to ride a horse".

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1. Falsification by means of vague language: Lawyers always advise people not to use equivocations in their wills, but to be specific in what they want done.
2. An assertion that is not exactly wrong, but evades a disagreeable truth: The club’s president made an equivocation when he said that they could use a bit more money, when in fact they were deep in debt!
3. In logic, the two-fold meaning of a term which then creates a fallacy: Willfully distorting the facts can also be called an equivocation, when stating that someone took the keys to the car when, in fact, the driver was the one who did it!
2. An assertion that is not exactly wrong, but evades a disagreeable truth: The club’s president made an equivocation when he said that they could use a bit more money, when in fact they were deep in debt!
3. In logic, the two-fold meaning of a term which then creates a fallacy: Willfully distorting the facts can also be called an equivocation, when stating that someone took the keys to the car when, in fact, the driver was the one who did it!