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-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(page 80)
later-, lateral-, -late, -lat, -lation, -lative
(page 2)
(page 19)
(Latin: friend, friendly; loveable; goodwill, cordial; peaceful relations)
(Greek > Latin: race, kind; line of descent; origin, creation; pertaining to sexual relations, reproduction, or heredity; and more recently, a gene or genes)
(Greek > Latin: Greek Lésbios through Latin Lesbius; lesbian; homosexual relations between women)
(it's always better to slip with the foot than with the tongue)
Word Entries containing the term:
human relations
1. The study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships, as among employees.
2. The social and interpersonal relations between human beings.
2. The social and interpersonal relations between human beings.
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homo-, hom-, hum-
(page 2)
Quotes: Human Relations
(page 1)
1. The various ways in which businesses relate to and deal with workers, governments, and various public organizations.
2. The relations which exist between the management and workers in an factory or industrial enterprise.
3. The art or study of managing relationships of management and workers; especially, with the purpose of improving them.
2. The relations which exist between the management and workers in an factory or industrial enterprise.
3. The art or study of managing relationships of management and workers; especially, with the purpose of improving them.
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stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive
(page 5)
Quotes: Human Relations
Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue: human relations quotes.
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Quotes: Quotations Units
(page 4)
A procedure for determining the next term of a sequence from one or more of the preceding terms: Oliver was trying to compute a group of quantities based on the recursion formula from a set of other groups that existed before.
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curr-, cur-, cor-, cour-
(page 4)