-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
The process of depriving a chemical compound of its oxygen: Deoxidation of metal can take place in an enclosed chamber with heat when a limey slag is used to take away the sulphur.
1. Absence, or partial loss, of pigmentation (or less than normal pigmentation) of the pigment melanin; especially, in the skin, eyes, or hair.
2. Loss of color (pigment) from the skin, mucous membranes, hair, or retina of the eyes.
2. Loss of color (pigment) from the skin, mucous membranes, hair, or retina of the eyes.
The condition of having reduced numbers of inhabitants or resulting in no inhabitants at all.
1. The forcible transfer of a foreign national from a country: The deportation of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson took place when they were found to be without a visa or the official stamp in their passports that would allow them to legally enter the country.
2. The removal or sending back of aliens to the country from which they came because their presence is legally considered inconsistent with public safety: Deportations may be done without any punishments being imposed or considered for the deportees.
2. The removal or sending back of aliens to the country from which they came because their presence is legally considered inconsistent with public safety: Deportations may be done without any punishments being imposed or considered for the deportees.
1. In medicine, a deterioration or a change for the worse: The depravations of sleep resulted in the Robert's health getting worse.
2. That which is bad or morally corrupt: The depravation of Mr. Moore, the politician, was revealed and ended his career as a leading member of his political party.
2. That which is bad or morally corrupt: The depravation of Mr. Moore, the politician, was revealed and ended his career as a leading member of his political party.
depravation, deprivation
depravation (dep" ruh VAY shuhn) (noun)
The corruption of or making something or someone evil: A consequence of living on the streets was a depravation of the character of the young man.
deprivation (dep" ruh VAY shuhn) (noun)
Not having basic or perceived basic requirements for living; lacking desired or necessary items or things: Elvira eventually overcame the deprivation of her childhood.
It is a political truth that the deprivation of a group of people may easily lead to their depravation and result in violence against a government that has deprived them of literacy and social justice.
1. A predatory attack; a raid.
2. Damage or loss; a ravaging.
2. Damage or loss; a ravaging.
1. The state of being without or denied something, especially of being without adequate food, water, and/or shelter.
2. The act of taking something away from someone or preventing anyone from having something.
3. An act of depriving someone of food or money or rights.
4. The disadvantage that results from losing something.
5. In medicine, the loss or absence of body parts, organs, powers, or anything that is needed.
2. The act of taking something away from someone or preventing anyone from having something.
3. An act of depriving someone of food or money or rights.
4. The disadvantage that results from losing something.
5. In medicine, the loss or absence of body parts, organs, powers, or anything that is needed.
1. A group of representatives or delegates: Many countries sent deputations to the peace conference.
2. An appointment of subordinates who make decisions: The deputation, which was arranged by the CEO of Frank’s company, allowed experienced employees to determine how to achieve the desired profits with the next big project.
3. An appointment of a person, or people, to represent or to act for another or others: The local hospital has officially permitted the nurses to be deputations who perform some of the medical treatments that doctors normally are responsible for.

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2. An appointment of subordinates who make decisions: The deputation, which was arranged by the CEO of Frank’s company, allowed experienced employees to determine how to achieve the desired profits with the next big project.
3. An appointment of a person, or people, to represent or to act for another or others: The local hospital has officially permitted the nurses to be deputations who perform some of the medical treatments that doctors normally are responsible for.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The origin, or source, of something; such as, a word or someone's name.
2. The formation of a term, from another one or from a basic form.
3. The historical origin and development of an entry: An etymology is an example of a derivation
4. A mathematical, or logical argument, whose steps show that the conclusion follows necessarily from initial assumptions.
5. The act of obtaining something from a source or issuing from a source.
6. Etymology: from Latin derivare, "to lead or to draw off (a stream of water) from its source".
2. The formation of a term, from another one or from a basic form.
3. The historical origin and development of an entry: An etymology is an example of a derivation
4. A mathematical, or logical argument, whose steps show that the conclusion follows necessarily from initial assumptions.
5. The act of obtaining something from a source or issuing from a source.
6. Etymology: from Latin derivare, "to lead or to draw off (a stream of water) from its source".
Then from Old French deriver. "to flow, to pour out; to originate".
1. A partial repeal, or abolition, of a law: The state government passed a derogation of some social services because it was costing too much to maintain them.
2. A deviation from a rule or law; especially, one which is specifically provided for: The Senate Committee required new data in order to determine which sectors of the law would qualify for the derogation.
3. The act of belittling, or criticizing, someone or something: Gary, the radio talk-show host, used derogations to discredit the politician's positions on how to improve the nation's economic situation.
2. A deviation from a rule or law; especially, one which is specifically provided for: The Senate Committee required new data in order to determine which sectors of the law would qualify for the derogation.
3. The act of belittling, or criticizing, someone or something: Gary, the radio talk-show host, used derogations to discredit the politician's positions on how to improve the nation's economic situation.
1. Blasphemous behavior or the act of depriving something of its divine character: It was a complete desecration of the cemetery when the army drove their tanks through the burial grounds.
2. Damage done to or showing no respect towards something holy or very much respected: The desecration of the windows of the church was heart breaking for the congregation when they saw what had happened.
2. Damage done to or showing no respect towards something holy or very much respected: The desecration of the windows of the church was heart breaking for the congregation when they saw what had happened.
desegregation (noun), desegregations (pl)
1. The action of incorporating a racial or religious body of people into a community: The members of the local church were proud to have been the first to incorporate policies of desegregation into their bylaws.
2. The elimination of laws, customs, or practices under which different races, assemblages, etc., are restricted to specific or separate public facilities, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, or similar groups and places: The desegregation of the local schools, accomplished by the use of military forces, caused huge negative reactions in the neighborhood.
2. The elimination of laws, customs, or practices under which different races, assemblages, etc., are restricted to specific or separate public facilities, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, or similar groups and places: The desegregation of the local schools, accomplished by the use of military forces, caused huge negative reactions in the neighborhood.
In medicine, to make (a person, animal, or tissue) nonreactive or nonallergic to a substance by removing the antibodies from affected cells or tissues: In an effort to control his allergies, Jason and the doctor went through a process of desensitization to eliminate the antibodies that were causing his sneezing.
1. A process by which an area changes to, or becomes, a desert.
2. The rapid depletion of plant life and the loss of topsoil at desert boundaries and in semiarid regions; usually, caused by a combination of drought and the overexploitation of grasses and other vegetation by people.
3. Etymology: from about 1973, formed from English desert + -ification, "causing to become" as with calcification and stratification.
2. The rapid depletion of plant life and the loss of topsoil at desert boundaries and in semiarid regions; usually, caused by a combination of drought and the overexploitation of grasses and other vegetation by people.
3. Etymology: from about 1973, formed from English desert + -ification, "causing to become" as with calcification and stratification.