-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
1. A written work advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree: The associate professor gave his students an assignment of writing a dissertation about the experiments in his chemistry class .
2. Any formal discourse in speech or writing: Joan had to finalize the preparation of her dissertation about the discrimination of women in some work places, and be able to support and justify it, in front of a group of college students and her professor.
3. A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university: Frank was spending a great deal of time on his dissertation in order to earn his Doctor of Philosophy, or PHD, at his educational institution.
4. Etymology: as far back as 1611, from Latin dissertationem, dissertatio, "discourse"; from dissertare "to debate, to argue"; from disserere, "to discuss, to examine"; from dis-, "apart" + serere, "to arrange words".

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2. Any formal discourse in speech or writing: Joan had to finalize the preparation of her dissertation about the discrimination of women in some work places, and be able to support and justify it, in front of a group of college students and her professor.
3. A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university: Frank was spending a great deal of time on his dissertation in order to earn his Doctor of Philosophy, or PHD, at his educational institution.
4. Etymology: as far back as 1611, from Latin dissertationem, dissertatio, "discourse"; from dissertare "to debate, to argue"; from disserere, "to discuss, to examine"; from dis-, "apart" + serere, "to arrange words".
The sense of "formal, written treatise" is from about 1651.

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1. The act, or process, of making or becoming different.
2. The process whereby one of two, or more, identical or similar sounds in a word is changed or omitted; as in the pronunciation (LIGH ber" ee) for "library".
2. The process whereby one of two, or more, identical or similar sounds in a word is changed or omitted; as in the pronunciation (LIGH ber" ee) for "library".
1. The process of hiding under a false appearance: Christine smiled, indicating the dissimulation of her urgency after falling on the slippery sidewalk.
2. Etymology: from Old French, from Latin dissimulationem; from dissimulare, "to conceal, to disguise"; from dis-, "completely" + simulare, "to pretend, to simulate".

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2. Etymology: from Old French, from Latin dissimulationem; from dissimulare, "to conceal, to disguise"; from dis-, "completely" + simulare, "to pretend, to simulate".

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1. A reference to the act of separating or the state of being separated.
2. In psychology and psychiatry, a perceived detachment of the mind from the emotional state or even from the body.
2. In psychology and psychiatry, a perceived detachment of the mind from the emotional state or even from the body.
Dissociation is characterized by a sense of the world as a dreamlike or unreal place and may be accompanied by poor memory of the specific events, which in severe form is known as dissociative amnesia.
The habit of some animals, of sleeping, being dormant, or remaining quiescent during the day, as contrasted with their activities at night.
The act of forming diverticula, pockets, etc.
1. The method or practice of attempting to foretell the future or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or by supernatural powers: Divinations involve being able to foresee approaching events or obtaining secret knowledge through communication with holy sources and through signs and revelations.
2. A prophecy or prediction; soothsaying or the interpretation of omens or events: A divination is based on the belief in making events known to humans by the spirits and in supernatural forms of knowledge and so it attempts to make known those things that neither reason nor science can discover.
3. A premonition or feeling of apprehension about something that is going to happen: The system of divination takes for granted that spiritual beings exist, are approachable by humans, have access to the knowledge which people do not possess, and are willing, depending on certain conditions, to let supernatural beings communicate the special knowledge which they are believed to possess.

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2. A prophecy or prediction; soothsaying or the interpretation of omens or events: A divination is based on the belief in making events known to humans by the spirits and in supernatural forms of knowledge and so it attempts to make known those things that neither reason nor science can discover.
3. A premonition or feeling of apprehension about something that is going to happen: The system of divination takes for granted that spiritual beings exist, are approachable by humans, have access to the knowledge which people do not possess, and are willing, depending on certain conditions, to let supernatural beings communicate the special knowledge which they are believed to possess.

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A voluntary gift or contribution to a charity or cause: Jill often makes a donation of canned food to the local Food Bank or the local food distribution center to give to the homeless street people.
1. Sleeping, falling asleep, drowsiness.
2. Numbness; loss of sensibility.
2. Numbness; loss of sensibility.
The action of dramatizing; conversion into drama; a dramatized version.
A return flow of chyme (partially digested food and gastric secretions produced in the stomach) from the duodenum (small intestine) backwards into the stomach again.
An extension or length of time that something exists or lasts: The manager of the store told Jim that it would be closed for a duration of one month because of the renovations that were going to be made.
Peggy was told by her physical trainer that she should gradually increase the duration of her workouts.
The TV cameras remained on the President for the duration of his speech.
An impaired ability of the iris of the eye to respond properly to varying intensities of light in the eyes.