ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence
(Latin: hold, grasp, have)
1. A period of time during which a person has an important job or is an elected official: The politician's tenure was cut short when he lost his reelection campaign.
2. A situation in which land or a building, or part of a building, is occupied or held: Ted and Mary lost the tenure to their apartment and had to move to another part of town to a new residence.
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2. A situation in which land or a building, or part of a building, is occupied or held: Ted and Mary lost the tenure to their apartment and had to move to another part of town to a new residence.

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unsustainable (adjective), more unsustainable, most unsustainable
unsustainably (adverb), more unsustainably, most unsustainably
unsustained (adjective), more unsustained, most unsustained
untenable (adjective), more untenable, most untenable
1. Referring to a position, situation, or theory which cannot be justified or defended and so it should not be used: James tried to convince his teacher why he couldn’t complete his homework, but what he said was quite untenable, unsound, and groundless.
2. Incapable of being inhabited: The apartments next door to Tom were quite untenable because they lacked the necessary requirements of water and electricity.

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2. Incapable of being inhabited: The apartments next door to Tom were quite untenable because they lacked the necessary requirements of water and electricity.