ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence

(Latin: hold, grasp, have)

subcontinent (s) (noun), subcontinents (pl)
1. A large area of land that forms part of a continent; especially, the part of Asia that contains India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh which is known as the Indian subcontinent; distinguished geologically or geomorphically from the rest of the continent.
2. A large landmass; such as, Greenland, which is smaller than a continent.
3. A large area that is identifiably as a separate part of a continent.
sustain (verb), sustains; sustained; sustaining
1. To provide someone, or something, whatever is needed to exist, to continue, etc.: There is not enough oxygen to sustain, or to support, life at very high altitudes.
2. To keep something in position by holding it from below: The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed.
3. To keep someone going with emotional or moral support: Hope sustained Jim's family during that difficult time when the tornado hit his area.
4. To manage to withstand something and to continue in spite of it: The volunteers sustained their efforts to help the those who were in the flooded areas of the typhoon.
5. To experience a setback, injury, damage, loss, or defeat: The soldier sustained several broken bones while the army was sustaining heavy losses.
6. To make something continue to exist: The actors were sustaining the audience's interest for a long time.
7. To confirm that something is true, correct, or valid: The medical report sustains the claims of those who were injured in the car accident.
8. Etymology: from Latin sustinere, "hold up, keep up, support, endure"; from sub, "from below" + tenere, "to hold".
sustainability (s) (noun), sustainabilities (pl)
The fact of being upheld and perpetuated; or the preservation of the overall viability and normal functioning of natural systems: Some types of energy, like water, sunlight, and wind, could provide the earth with the amount of sustainability that is needed for mankind to survive in the long run, since natural resources are being used up!
sustainable (adjective), more sustainable, most sustainable
1. Capable of being utilized without being completely used up or destroyed: For his project at school, Clifford was interested in learning more about sustainable energy resources and sustainable water supplies.
2. Worthy of involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources: Some farmers employ sustainable agriculture techniques that they can apply and employ for a very long time.
3. Able to last or to continue for a long time: Jack said, "We must have sustainable development and growth in the financial markets."
4. Describing an activity that makes use of the earth's living and physical resources: Such necessary practices include sustainable human actions and their technologies, cultures, and institutions in a way that does not diminish their ability to support future generations.

The consumption of energy should be applied in a manner that emphasizes renewable sources and the judicious use of non-renewable sources.

sustainable agriculture
A method of agriculture that attempts to ensure the profitability of farms while preserving the environment.
sustainable capacity
The daily amount of oil that an individual oilfield or a group of fields can produce at a rate that can be sustained for more than 90 days.
sustainable development
1. Economic development maintained within acceptable levels of global resource depletion and environmental pollution.
2. A description of efforts to guide economic growth; especially, in less-developed countries, in an environmentally sound manner, with an emphasis on natural resource conservation.

A collective term for efforts to develop technological, economic, political, and social systems, so as to provide the good, services, and amenities that people need or value, at an acceptable cost, while at the same time maintaining the natural environment so that a comparable quality of life will be available to future generations.

sustainable energy
Energy that is produced and used in ways that will support long-term human development in all its social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
Pertaining to or of the nature of a support.
sustentaculum (s) (noun), sustentacula (pl)
1. A strong, moveable spine inserted near the termination of the tarsus of each posterior leg, on the under side, as with some spiders.
2. Some species are aided by peculiar spines; called sustentacula which are attached to the last joints of their hind legs.