ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence
(Latin: hold, grasp, have)
lieutenancy (s), lieutenancies (pl)
1. The office, rank, or commission of a lieutenant.
2. The role, duty, or position of being a lieutenant.
3. A U.S. naval officer holding the commissioned rank just below that of a lieutenant commander.
2. The role, duty, or position of being a lieutenant.
3. A U.S. naval officer holding the commissioned rank just below that of a lieutenant commander.
1. An assistant to or a substitute for someone else in a higher rank or an assistant with the power to act when his superior is absent.
2. An officer in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard of a rank above lieutenant junior grade, or an officer in the British or Canadian navies of a rank above sub-lieutenant.
3. A U.S. police or fire department officer of a rank above sergeant.
4. A first or second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps; where the first lieutenant is in a rank above a second lieutenant and below a rank of captain.
5. Etymology: from an Old French compound made up of lieu, "place" and tenant, "holding".
2. An officer in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard of a rank above lieutenant junior grade, or an officer in the British or Canadian navies of a rank above sub-lieutenant.
3. A U.S. police or fire department officer of a rank above sergeant.
4. A first or second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps; where the first lieutenant is in a rank above a second lieutenant and below a rank of captain.
5. Etymology: from an Old French compound made up of lieu, "place" and tenant, "holding".
The word in Old French and the borrowed Middle English word lieutenant, first recorded near the end of the 14th century, referred to a person who acted for another as a deputy. This usage has continued, for example, in our term "lieutenant governor", the deputy of the governor and the one who replaces the governor if it is necessary.
In military references, lieutenant appears by itself as well as in compounds; such as, "first lieutenant" and "second lieutenant"; however, the original notion of the word in military usage was that the officer it referred to ranked below the next one who was higher and could replace him, if it were necessary; so, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army could replace a captain.
maintain (verb), maintains; maintained; maintaining
1. To carry on, to stick to one's objectives: James thought it was very important to maintain a good relationship with his mother while he was away at college and so he wrote e-mails and talked to her on the phone regularly.
2: To preserve or retain an existing condition: Although her boss criticized her severely for being late for work, Mrs. Jackson maintained her composure and started to work right away.
3: To keep in a state of good restoration or condition: The Roberts couple had two cars which they maintained for years, both of which were more than 10 years old and in perfect shape and driving very well!
4: To keep up, to adhere to: Sherry was an excellent teacher who had to maintain a level of proficiency in order to keep her status of being the principal of the school.
5. Etymology: from Latin manutenere "to hold in the hand"; from manu, ablative of manus, "hand" + tenere, "to hold".
2: To preserve or retain an existing condition: Although her boss criticized her severely for being late for work, Mrs. Jackson maintained her composure and started to work right away.
3: To keep in a state of good restoration or condition: The Roberts couple had two cars which they maintained for years, both of which were more than 10 years old and in perfect shape and driving very well!
4: To keep up, to adhere to: Sherry was an excellent teacher who had to maintain a level of proficiency in order to keep her status of being the principal of the school.
5. Etymology: from Latin manutenere "to hold in the hand"; from manu, ablative of manus, "hand" + tenere, "to hold".
1: The procedure of keeping an object or place in good condition: The maintenance, or care of the playground, involved repairs jobs, sand cleaning, and disposing of garbage; all of which cost the town more than it had planned.
2: Financial support for a person’s expenses; alimony: Not only did Greg have to keep up his own maintenance of living, but he also had to pay for his two children who were living with their mother, his former wife.
2: Financial support for a person’s expenses; alimony: Not only did Greg have to keep up his own maintenance of living, but he also had to pay for his two children who were living with their mother, his former wife.
An individual who is dissatisfied and complains about political, social, and other living conditions; inclined to rebellion or mutiny; restless and always complaining: Matt complained about so many things so often, that he had a reputation for being nothing more than a malcontent who could never be satisfied.
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malcontentedly (adverb), more malcontentedly, most malcontentedly
Descriptive of being or appearing to be dissatisfied; and so, frequently complaining: The group organizer spoke in a malcontentedly loud voice because he was using a megaphone to describe the concerns of the group to a larger audience.
A state of complaining, being disgusted, and determined to cause mischief: The malcontentedness among poor people in some populations have led to revolutions that have resulted in the violent overthrowing of their governments.
A desire for something better than the present situation; dissatisfaction: The malcontentment among some students was resulting in a strike to protest against the poor quality of the food in the campus cafeteria.
Manemus tenacitatem.
We remain steadfast.
obtainable (adjective), more obtainable, most obtainable
Possible to be procured or acquired; available: Thomas found out that his favorite cheese was obtainable at the new European cheese shop in town.
pertain (verb), pertains; pertained; pertaining
1. To relate to something or to have a reference or connection to a person or thing.
2. To be appropriate or suitable.
3. To be a part of something or belong to to it; especially, as an attribute or accessory.
4. Etymology: from Latin pertinere; literally, "to hold to".
2. To be appropriate or suitable.
3. To be a part of something or belong to to it; especially, as an attribute or accessory.
4. Etymology: from Latin pertinere; literally, "to hold to".
Relating to or pertaining to.