stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
establishmentarian (adjective); more establishmentarian, most establishmentarian
1. Regarding the support of the official standing of a recognized church: In the year 2000 Sweden eliminated the establishmentarian status of the Lutheran Church.
2. Pertaining to the favoritism of a social or political organization or concern: Floyd and his family decided to support the local establishmentarian customs, shops, and the bank of their choice in the town they recently moved to.
2. Pertaining to the favoritism of a social or political organization or concern: Floyd and his family decided to support the local establishmentarian customs, shops, and the bank of their choice in the town they recently moved to.
1. The principle or doctrine that supports the accepted political or social structures: The civil rights movement in America was a significant and major contribution to the establishmentarianism of the country.
2. The political opinion that upholds the status of a church as the approved state religion: A very good example of establishmentarianism is the acceptance and approval of having the country's religion affirmed by the Church of England.
2. The political opinion that upholds the status of a church as the approved state religion: A very good example of establishmentarianism is the acceptance and approval of having the country's religion affirmed by the Church of England.
1. The property and financial obligations of a person, particularly of a deceased individual: After Janet's father died, his will stated that he wanted his estate to be divided between Mary, his wife, and Nancy, his daughter.
2. A huge area of land in a rural geographic region which is owned by one person or one family: Charles used to visit his friend Thomas on his estate which included a fantastic big villa and horse stables.
3. Property where cotton, grapes, or other crops are grown: Some of the students accompanied their professor to a large coffee estate to see how the plants grew and were harvested.
4. A section of land and housing designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use: The new residential estate for the working class people is attracting those who have to live on a limited budget.
2. A huge area of land in a rural geographic region which is owned by one person or one family: Charles used to visit his friend Thomas on his estate which included a fantastic big villa and horse stables.
3. Property where cotton, grapes, or other crops are grown: Some of the students accompanied their professor to a large coffee estate to see how the plants grew and were harvested.
4. A section of land and housing designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use: The new residential estate for the working class people is attracting those who have to live on a limited budget.
exist (verb), exists; existed; existing
1. To be present in the real word; to be: Some people wonder if life really exists on other planets.
2. To live, especially under difficult conditions; to survive: After losing his wife and job, Sam existed or subsisted on very little and had to beg to stay alive.
3. To take place or occur in a certain place or situation: The problem of bicyclists riding on the streets in town still exists although some roads have been improved and have special bike lanes.
2. To live, especially under difficult conditions; to survive: After losing his wife and job, Sam existed or subsisted on very little and had to beg to stay alive.
3. To take place or occur in a certain place or situation: The problem of bicyclists riding on the streets in town still exists although some roads have been improved and have special bike lanes.
1. The state or fact of living or of being: Until Catherine received the letter, she did not know of the existence of her Aunt
Gesine in Germany!
2. A certain way of living: Adam was not happy with his existence in the urban world, so he returned to his rural life on the farm.
2. A certain way of living: Adam was not happy with his existence in the urban world, so he returned to his rural life on the farm.
existent (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Prevailing; extant: There are only two existent copies of the composition Jane wrote for the musical.
2. Present at the current time, or here and now: The newest existent restrictions in the dorm are also valid for all of the new residents and are not to be questioned.
2. Present at the current time, or here and now: The newest existent restrictions in the dorm are also valid for all of the new residents and are not to be questioned.
existential (adjective); more existential, most existential
Relating to human life and human experiences: The existential threat of climate change has given rise to many bad environmental conditions.
A belief or doctrine of the 20th century which stresses the quality of the singularity in each human and that every person is responsible for their own actions: The German philosopher, Martin Heidegger, inspired Sartre in the doctrine of existentialism, a literary and philosophical movement.
An adherent of the belief that individuals create their own ethical values and are accountable for the consequences of their actions: The existentialists de Beauvoir and Sartre are believed to have influenced each other in their works, such as Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" and de Beauvoir's "She Came to Stay".
extant (adjective); more extant, most extant
Relating to something that is still currently existing and not having disappeared: In her inheritance, Becky found some extant diaries and journals written by her grandfather dating back to 1888!

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frigostable (adjective), more frigostable, most frigostable
Resistant to low temperatures or iciness: The coat Tony bought for his trip to Canada in the winter was of a frigostable fabric and could be washed easily.
Inhibition of fungal growth: The fungistasis in the garden soil at Mrs. Black's house was removed by the process of sterilization by gamma radiation!
A compound that keeps fungi from growing: Mr. Smart learned that fungistat, a special substance or chemical, could inhibit mould, mildew, or other forms of decay from continuing to develop and spread.
1. An unusual amount of milk in the mammary glands: When Janet's dog had puppies, there were so few that galactostasis developed because there was just too much milk for just the few pups!
2. A surcease of the secretion of milk: After nursing her baby for 3 months, Mrs. Hathaway discovered that galactostasis had set in and she had to continue with a prepared dairy product from the bottle.
2. A surcease of the secretion of milk: After nursing her baby for 3 months, Mrs. Hathaway discovered that galactostasis had set in and she had to continue with a prepared dairy product from the bottle.
Someone who specializes in the size and shape of the Earth: Peter was so interested in the planet he lived on that he decided that he wanted to become a geodesist and be able to determine the exact positions of specific geographical points and the planet's curvature and its dimensions, but first he had to study geology at the university.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.