stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
1. A local governing body in a church: The consistory of a community place of worship cannot appeal for sovereignty.
2. A court in the Church of England which is headed by a bishop: The consistory tribunal was presented the case of impropriety by the bishop because he thought there was enough proof and evidence for consideration in the proceedings.
3. The council of cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church: All the prominent bishops had to wear tags with their names on them at the meeting of the consistory.
2. A court in the Church of England which is headed by a bishop: The consistory tribunal was presented the case of impropriety by the bishop because he thought there was enough proof and evidence for consideration in the proceedings.
3. The council of cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church: All the prominent bishops had to wear tags with their names on them at the meeting of the consistory.
1. A policeman: The constable of the town, and one of the lowest rank, proved to be of great value when he caught the culprit one evening.
2. A lawman; a peace officer: The constable, or patrolman, who was quite a calm fellow and helped to keep the town a pleasant place to live and free from strife, was well-liked by all the citizens.
3. The governor of a royal castle: In the Middle Ages, a constable was an officer or keeper in a noble court or fortress and usually an army commander in a senior position.
2. A lawman; a peace officer: The constable, or patrolman, who was quite a calm fellow and helped to keep the town a pleasant place to live and free from strife, was well-liked by all the citizens.
3. The governor of a royal castle: In the Middle Ages, a constable was an officer or keeper in a noble court or fortress and usually an army commander in a senior position.
1. An organized police force: Sam was arrested by the local constabulary and was locked up in a cell at the police station.
2. The area or district under the authority of the police: The Hampshire constabulary was not responsible for the crimes committed elsewhere.
3. A law enforcement organization similar to a military unit: The armed constabulary in the area was not connected to the regular army, but quite similar to it.
2. The area or district under the authority of the police: The Hampshire constabulary was not responsible for the crimes committed elsewhere.
3. A law enforcement organization similar to a military unit: The armed constabulary in the area was not connected to the regular army, but quite similar to it.
1. The condition of being stable; steadfastness in affection: The constancy in their marriage is what Kitty treasured so much after being married for 40 years.
2. A consistent quality or trait of an individual or thing: The weather in Los Angeles, for example, shows constancy in that the sun shines and is very warm or hot for about 9 months of the year!
2. A consistent quality or trait of an individual or thing: The weather in Los Angeles, for example, shows constancy in that the sun shines and is very warm or hot for about 9 months of the year!
constant (adjective); more constant, most constant
1. Regarding something that stays the same and does not change: She drove at a constant speed of 50 mph along the long boulevard.
2. Pertaining to something which is continual or persistent: The noise from the neighbor's garden party was certainly constant, even into the night!
3. Characterizing a person who is faithful and dependable: Even after all the years, Bob always remained a constant friend who was totally trustworthy and reliable.
2. Pertaining to something which is continual or persistent: The noise from the neighbor's garden party was certainly constant, even into the night!
3. Characterizing a person who is faithful and dependable: Even after all the years, Bob always remained a constant friend who was totally trustworthy and reliable.
constantly (adverb); more constantly, most constantly
1. Relating to how something or someone acts or performs in a continuous way; endlessly; incessantly; all the time: Lois was constantly complaining about the weather being either too hot or too cold.
2. Descriptive of how a thing recurs regularly; without interruption: It seemed to be raining constantly, day in and day out, and never stopping!
2. Descriptive of how a thing recurs regularly; without interruption: It seemed to be raining constantly, day in and day out, and never stopping!
1. A group of people living in a certain area who elect a delegate, spokesman or spokeswoman, or a representative to a legislative body: The constituency was lucky in that their politician truly supported and acted on their behalf regarding the traffic problem in their town.
2. The region or district of voters: The constituency Mrs. Jackson lived in was planning on developing environmentally friendly housing for the refugees that year.
2. The region or district of voters: The constituency Mrs. Jackson lived in was planning on developing environmentally friendly housing for the refugees that year.
An individual in an area or district who votes for his or her person in congress and who is represented by him or her for the congressional period in office: The constituents in the town really liked Jim as a person, but he didn’t seem to make much headway in presenting their views and wishes in the legislative assemblies.

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constituently (adverb); more constituently, most contituently
Regarding how something is presented by the voters: The citizens constituently argued that the decision was certainly bad for the population living in their town.
constitute (verb), constitutes; constituted, constituting
1. To be considered or regarded to be a certain thing: Wendy's damaging action constitutes an offence which will be brought to court.
2. To form or to comprise with a number of things or individuals: The collection of old photos and letters constitute part of Janice's inheritance.
3. To be established, such as a government or committee: The delegation was constituted, or formally organized, and given the jurisdiction to make decisions.
2. To form or to comprise with a number of things or individuals: The collection of old photos and letters constitute part of Janice's inheritance.
3. To be established, such as a government or committee: The delegation was constituted, or formally organized, and given the jurisdiction to make decisions.
1. A formal system of principles consisting of people's duties and rights: A constitution is a declaration of the basic laws and truths of a state, nation, country, or of a group.
2. The physical composition of an individual or a thing: Evidently Catherine had a very strong constitution because she hardly ever got ill, even in her later years of life!
2. The physical composition of an individual or a thing: Evidently Catherine had a very strong constitution because she hardly ever got ill, even in her later years of life!
constitutional (adjective); more constitutional, most constitutional
1. Pertaining to a written document which is the basic foundation of a government: The constitutional amendment under consideration was debated on for days.
A very important principal in a country should be the constitutional right of free speech.
2. Referring to a person's health: Old Mrs. Walker was always seen going for a constitutional walk with her cane in the morning hours!
A moderate condition in women exhibiting an excessive growth of body hair: Constitutional hirsutism can develop during puberty in females, but it can also appear due to hereditary factors, medication, a disease, or because of an excessive production of the male hormone, androgen.
constitutionally (adverb); more constitutionally, most constitutionally
1. Regarding how a person's health is performing: Alfred had knee problems and was constitutionally unable to walk properly without feeling pain.
2. Pertaining to how an individual's general character functions: Janice was a totally talkative person and was constitutionally incapable of keeping her mouth shut for 10 minutes!
3. Referring to how the basic principles of a country are treated: It would be fantastic if free speech and the freedom of religion were constitutionally protected in all the countries of the world!
2. Pertaining to how an individual's general character functions: Janice was a totally talkative person and was constitutionally incapable of keeping her mouth shut for 10 minutes!
3. Referring to how the basic principles of a country are treated: It would be fantastic if free speech and the freedom of religion were constitutionally protected in all the countries of the world!
1. The comparison of a thing or an individual that shows differences when juxtaposed with another: There is a marked contrast between a child who is obedient and one who contradicts, or "speaks against" those in authority, his elders.
In order to provide contrast in her outfit, Wendy chose to wear a green skirt and a red blouse.
2. A great dissimilarity between two or more entities that are apparent when compared: The old computer operated very slowly in contrast to the newest model Clifford decided to buy.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.