stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
An incorrect or false piece of information: The text should be read again because there are too many misstatements which ought to be improved!
The precaution against the growth and proliferation of fungi: Mycostasis is the restriction of germination of fungi, such as mould, mushrooms and mildew, and the term is used in reference to soil.
A substance that prevents fungi from growing: Janice found some mold developing in her bathroom, so she got some mycostat to get rid of it.
1. A 19th-century movement in painting: Neoimpressionism, favoring stricter and more formal techniques of composition than impressionism, was initiated mainly by the pointillist Georges Seurat in the 1880s.
2. An art movement in French paintings: Neoimpressionism used the doctrines and methods of a group of artists of the 19th century which were based on a more strictly formal practice of impressionist technique employing tiny dots of primary colors on a white background.
2. An art movement in French paintings: Neoimpressionism used the doctrines and methods of a group of artists of the 19th century which were based on a more strictly formal practice of impressionist technique employing tiny dots of primary colors on a white background.
An abscess of the kidney: After Jenny went to see her doctor because of a pain in her body, Dr. Greyson diagnosed her as having nephrapostasis, a purulent infection of one of her excretory organs which contained pus.
An obstruction blocking the way or hindering progress: The obstacle in the road had to be removed before it was possible to continue the journey.
1. The branch of medical science concerned with pregnancy and childbirth: Grace decided she wanted to become a midwife and so she centered her studies on obstetrics and gynaecology.
2. Etymology: from about 1819, from obstetric, 1742; from Modern Latin obstetricus, "pertaining to a midwife"; from obstetrix (genitive of obstetricis), "midwife". Literally, "one who stands opposite (the woman giving birth)"; from obstare, "to stand opposite to".
2. Etymology: from about 1819, from obstetric, 1742; from Modern Latin obstetricus, "pertaining to a midwife"; from obstetrix (genitive of obstetricis), "midwife". Literally, "one who stands opposite (the woman giving birth)"; from obstare, "to stand opposite to".
1. The condition of stubbornness and persistence: Little Tony really adhered to his obstinacy in that he had his own opinion about having ice cream before his vegetables and was quite determined and cried loudly in the restaurant!
2. The state of being problematic to remedy, to subdue, or to relieve: The obstinacy of her terrible cough took many weeks to get over!
2. The state of being problematic to remedy, to subdue, or to relieve: The obstinacy of her terrible cough took many weeks to get over!
The case of a person or of something being recalcitrant: Little Debbie was at the age of obstinancy, being totally resistant and defiant of what her parents wanted her to do or not to do!
obstinate (adjective); more obstinate, most obstinate
1. Pertaining to person who adheres to an opinion, a purpose, or a course of action in spite of reasons for not doing it or presents arguments against such behavior: Mark, the teacher, was trying to deal with an obstinate pupil who refused to put his cell phone away during class, so the boy was sent to the principal.

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Despite the dangers of severe flood warnings, Ted and his family were too obstinate to leave their house for a safer area.
2. Relating to something which is very difficult to deal with and not easily overcome or removed: There was an obstinate stain on Jim's shirt which could not be removed even though it was washed twice.
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obstinately (adverb); more obstinately, most obstinately
Regarding how a person behaves in a mulish or recalcitrant way: Greg suddenly decided not to go with us and remained obstinately in his room.
The kilometres indicated on an aircraft's distance-measuring device: The omnidistance equipment on the plane shows the length of the gap between two places when interrogating and receiving responses from a transponder beacon.
ophthalmic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the medical care of a person's eyes: Lynn used ophthalmic drops for her organs of vision because they were often too dry and hurt.
Lynn also had to go to an ophthalmic surgeon for an eye injection.
The fastening of the eye with a piece of equipment necessary to hold it still during an operation: Ophthalmostasis was necessary when Janet's left eye was examined and afterwards while surgery was performed.
oust (verb), ousts; ousted; ousting
1. To force out or to remove, as from a place or position; to banish: Timothy was being very disobedient in class, so Mrs. Smart ousted him out of the classroom and sent him to the principal's office!
2. To remove and to be succeeded by someone else or something else: The computer has ousted the electric typewriter, but first the electric typewriter ousted the manual, old-fashioned typewriter.
4. Etymology: existing since about 1420, from Anglo-French oster (1292), from Old French oster, "put out, keep off, remove, avert"; from Latin obstare, "to stand opposite to, to block, to hinder"; from ob-, "against" + stare, "to stand".
2. To remove and to be succeeded by someone else or something else: The computer has ousted the electric typewriter, but first the electric typewriter ousted the manual, old-fashioned typewriter.
4. Etymology: existing since about 1420, from Anglo-French oster (1292), from Old French oster, "put out, keep off, remove, avert"; from Latin obstare, "to stand opposite to, to block, to hinder"; from ob-, "against" + stare, "to stand".
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.