stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
2. Descriptive of that which is immune to a chemical, disease, drug, etc.: The plant Jill had in her garden was quite resistant to destruction by aphids because she used ladybugs to feed on those pests!
3. Concerning the inadequacy in mixing with or soaking up something: The plastic jug Mary used was resistant to the heat in the microwave and did not melt at all!
2. Concerning something which is overpowering: June was completely resistless when it came to eating ice cream and she just could't pass by an ice cream parlor without stopping and having some!
Mildred went to her room for a rest after having a difficult day.
2. The part that is leftover after something has been removed; the remainder: The beginning of the film was boring, but the rest of it was interesting.
3. A interval in music to indicate a pause of silence: While practicing the new piece on the piano, Marilyn noticed that there was a quarter rest to observe in the treble clef.
4. An implement or object used to hold, to prop, to brace, or to sustain something: Lynn had a shoulder rest to use when she played the violin.
5. A situation in which something has been resolved: After the issue had been discussed in length, the chairman made a concluding remark that put the matter to rest.
2. To put into a state of inactivity: Because Jane's work was done for the day, she decided to rest, put her feet up, and do nothing else in the evening.
3. To remain or to be situated: The reason for the decision of staying home instead of going to the movies rested with Susan's mother.
4. To be situated; to be propped up; to lean: After walking so long Greg decided to rest against a nearby tree next to the path.
5. To slumber; to sleep: Little Susan's mother put her into bed to rest until the next morning.
6. To support the weight of something: She was resting her head on the comfy wingback chair when the doorbell rang.
The chairman of the committee restated his comment again at the end of the meeting and, in addition, emphasised the importance of the issue in detail.
2. To renovate; to restore to a previous condition: The worn and frayed armchairs found in the old villa were restituted and looked new again!
2. The restoration of something: Because some of the kitchen appliances were damaged by the fire, restitution was necessary in order to have the stove and oven back in working condition.
3. The return of something to its rightful possessor: Upon restitution of the baseball to little Timmy, his sister Molly, who took the ball away from him, was scolded and sent to her room!
2. Pertaining to a horse which is unyielding, neither advancing nor moving backwards or sideways: David’s mare was evidently very restive, or very nervous, tense, and agitated, although he tried to sooth and comfort her.

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Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.