-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
1. A consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat.
2. Relating to or articulated in the throat: "The glottal stop and uvular r and ch in German Bach are considered guttural sounds."
3. Like the sounds of frogs and crows.
2. Relating to or articulated in the throat: "The glottal stop and uvular r and ch in German Bach are considered guttural sounds."
3. Like the sounds of frogs and crows.
Resembling a female or woman; womanlike, feminine.
1. Adoption of feminine manners by a man.
2. The full-time miming of a female by a male. It appears to be much more widespread than its counterpart in the female, andromimesis, and it has been reported in many different cultures.
2. The full-time miming of a female by a male. It appears to be much more widespread than its counterpart in the female, andromimesis, and it has been reported in many different cultures.
1. An orientation response to a touch or a contact stimulus.
2. The phenomenon whereby plant organs, as the tendrils of climbing plants, exhibit tropic movements in response to the stimulus of touch.
2. The phenomenon whereby plant organs, as the tendrils of climbing plants, exhibit tropic movements in response to the stimulus of touch.
The practice of investing all sorts of objects with supernatural powers: "There are those who have believed in hecastotheism or that any touchable animate and inanimate things have deified powers beyond natural existence and such hecastotheisms make a particular mountain, or hill, or some great rock, some waterfall, a lake, or a spring receive special worship, and is itself believed to be a deity. All of these appear to be a relic or system of hecastotheism."
1. The doctrine or theory of ethics in which pleasure is regarded as the primary good, or the proper end of action: Hedonism is said to be the thesis that pleasure is the highest good; that only pleasure has value in itself.
2. Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure; especially, to the pleasures of the senses: Pleasure is not the same as happiness, so hedonism is not the same as "eudaimonism", the thesis that happiness is the highest good.
3. In philosophy, the ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has enjoyable consequences is intrinsically good: Hedonism and asceticism (doctrine of self-denial) are opposing philosophies of human behavior.
4. In psychology, the doctrine that behavior is motivated by the desire for happiness and the avoidance of pain: The psychiatrist encouraged his patient to follow the precepts of hedonism by not doing anything that might cause her any discomfort but to be positive and to find joy and pleasure in life.

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2. Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure; especially, to the pleasures of the senses: Pleasure is not the same as happiness, so hedonism is not the same as "eudaimonism", the thesis that happiness is the highest good.
3. In philosophy, the ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has enjoyable consequences is intrinsically good: Hedonism and asceticism (doctrine of self-denial) are opposing philosophies of human behavior.
4. In psychology, the doctrine that behavior is motivated by the desire for happiness and the avoidance of pain: The psychiatrist encouraged his patient to follow the precepts of hedonism by not doing anything that might cause her any discomfort but to be positive and to find joy and pleasure in life.

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Here is more significant information about hedonism.
1. Plant movement or orientation in response to the location of sun light.
2. The reversible phenomenon of color change in a solid as the result of exposure to sun light.
2. The reversible phenomenon of color change in a solid as the result of exposure to sun light.
A technique simulating telepathy, in which the "mind reader" (who generally holds a hand or arm) responds to slight muscle movements produced unconsciously by the person whose mind is apparently being read; "muscle reading"; "Cumberlandism":
Hellstromism was coined by Robert Nelson as being the development and practice of a "sixth sense" or "perception" that enabled the operator to divine certain thoughts and commands of others.
According to the creator of the term and the practice of this system of communication, "Hellstromism is true mindreading, and in its highly developed stages is definitely divorced from any element of trickery or fraud. It is the writer's sincere conviction that the development of the faculty will lead to the revelation of mysteries and possibilities of the mind that are far beyond our present day conception."
The worship of one god as the special god of a social group or occupation, while acknowledging or believing in the existence of other gods: "Henotheism is the worship of one of a group of gods, in contrast with monotheism, which teaches that only one God exists."
"Henotheism is considered to be a kind of polytheism (many gods) in which one god of the pantheon may be more powerful than the other gods."
Having seven digits on a hand or a foot: "When a person has heptadactylism, then he or she has seven fingers on one or both hands, instead of the normal five fingers on each hand; and seven toes, instead of the normal five toes on one foot or on both feet."