-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
2. The deification of man's own conceptions of God, or the belief that man's conception of God is all that men can ever know about God.
Egotism is the inflated perception of regarding oneself more highly than is justified by the facts, of bragging about one’s abilities or achievements, and the too frequent use of “I”.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pains of stupidity.

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2. The phenomenon displayed by some materials of reversibly changing color when a burst of electric charge is applied.
Various types of materials and structures can be used to construct electrochromic devices, depending on the specific applications.
Electrochromism involves electroactive materials that show a reversible color change when a small DC voltage is applied.
2. The branch of physics dealing with the observations and laws relating electricity to magnetism, and with magnetism produced by an electric current: "The environmental electromagnetism indicates not only the fact that we live our lives in a constant state of bombardment of electromagnetism, but also that all of the energy from all of the collective devices in use in the world today, is currently going to waste."
3. Magnetism produced by a current of electricity: "Electromagnetism is all around us because in addition to natural sources; such as lightning, it's also given off by every electronic gadget, device, or machine that people make."
4. The interaction between magnetism and electricity, and the phenomena produced by this interaction and the scientific study and applications of such observable events: "Electricity and magnetism were long thought to be separate forces until the work of Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell showed that the phenomena associated with lightning and magnets were both caused by electromagnetism which is considered to be one of the four fundamental forces of nature."
The effects of electromagnetism include the "static" forces that electric charges and currents exert on one another, the radio waves we depend upon for much of worldwide communication, the light we see by, and, at the highest energies, the gamma rays generated in stars and particle accelerators.
2. A turning toward or a turning away from a source of electrical energy.
3. The movement of a cell or organism in response to an electrical stimulus.
2. A bodily orientation in relation to an electric current.
3. A curvature of sessile (permanently attached) organisms toward or away from an electrical current stimulus.
2. The ecological state of being unique to a particular geographic location; such as, a specific island, habitat type, nation, or other defined zone.
To be endemic to a place or geographic area means that it is found only in that part of the world and nowhere else.
2. A homomorphism that maps a mathematical system into itself.