-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
Plant growth or plant movement on the surface of the earth in response to gravity: Epigeotropism deals with the development of vegetation across the surface of the soil.
The state of a hermit; a living in seclusion from social life.
erythrism, erythristic
1. Abnormal or unusual redness or red pigmentation, as of plumage or hair.
2. Redness of the hair and beard with a ruddy complexion.
2. Redness of the hair and beard with a ruddy complexion.
esoterism, esotericism (noun)
1. The holding of esoteric opinions or beliefs, that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group or those especially initiated, or who are of rare or unusual interest.
2. The inward forms of faith and religion; transcendence, mystic experiences, or those with special internal revelations of the Divine.
2. The inward forms of faith and religion; transcendence, mystic experiences, or those with special internal revelations of the Divine.
The pursuit of, or devotion to, what is sensuously beautiful; the philosophy or theory of beauty: Frances pursued a course in estheticism while in college because she was interested in a career of interior design.
The religions of the Gentile nations of antiquity; the common characteristics of these as contrasted with Hebraism and Christianity.
ethnocentrism, ethnocentricism
1. An exaggerated tendency to consider one's own social or national group as being superior to all others and to judge outsiders by the standards of one's group as if they provided a normative model.
2. The tendency to view other cultures in terms of the values or customs of one's own culture.
3. The practice of regarding traditional, nontechnological cultures as inferior to industrialized Western cultures.
4. In health care, a perspective that supports the worldview of the caretaker, rather than considering the patient's perspective of health and illness.
2. The tendency to view other cultures in terms of the values or customs of one's own culture.
3. The practice of regarding traditional, nontechnological cultures as inferior to industrialized Western cultures.
4. In health care, a perspective that supports the worldview of the caretaker, rather than considering the patient's perspective of health and illness.
1. An ethical system that evaluates actions by reference to personal well-being through a life based on reason.
2. An ethical doctrine that characterizes the value of life in terms of happiness.
2. An ethical doctrine that characterizes the value of life in terms of happiness.
The preservation of or protecting the natural form of a cell.
The condition of being a eunuch or of having undeveloped sexual organs in which testicular hormones are not produced.
A deficiency of the testes or of testicular secretion, with impaired sexual power and eunuch-like symptoms.
1. A mild or pleasant word, or phrase, which is used in place of one that might be considered too direct, too harsh, too unpleasant, or too offensive: One example of a euphemism is to use "eliminate" instead of "kill".
2. The use of a word, or phrase, that is more neutral, vague, or indirect to replace a direct, harsh, unpleasant, or an insulting term: Instead of Gordon saying that his wife was just too fat, he used a euphemism mentioning that she just had a lot of “love handles”!

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2. The use of a word, or phrase, that is more neutral, vague, or indirect to replace a direct, harsh, unpleasant, or an insulting term: Instead of Gordon saying that his wife was just too fat, he used a euphemism mentioning that she just had a lot of “love handles”!