-ism, -ismus
(Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait)
doctrinairism, doctrinarism (s) (noun)
A doctrine that is imposed or forced on others without regard to practical considerations or effects.
1. Positive assertion of dogma or opinion; dogmatizing; positiveness in the assertion of opinion.
2. A system of philosophy based upon principles dictated by reasoning alone, and not relying upon experience; opposed to skepticism.
2. A system of philosophy based upon principles dictated by reasoning alone, and not relying upon experience; opposed to skepticism.
More generally, a way of thinking based upon principles which have not been tested by reflection.
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment.
The quality or condition of being dolichocephalic or the cranium, or skull, a condition where the head is longer than would be considered normal relative to the the width of the head.
The quality or property of affecting the conductivity (control) of a nerve fiber.
- Negative dromotropism, the property of diminishing the conductivity of a nerve.
- Positive dromotropism, the property of increasing the conductivity of a nerve.
A belief that maintains that Christ has two natures, one divine and the other human.
A disordered function or disease of the small glands that are located on top of each kidney: "Anyone who has a dysandrenalism may be suffering with an abnormal increase or decrease in the performances of the adrenal glands as a result of a disease or a lack of proper physical activities."
A condition associated with exposure to very low or rapidly changing atmospheric pressure.
Symptoms include pain in or near joints, giddiness, headache, numbness of limbs, chest pain, and shortness of breath. When it occurs in a severe form, it is sometimes called “decompression sickness” or “the bends”.
A condition of slow response to stimuli.
A condition caused by abnormal genital development.
A speech defect involving incorrect phrase construction, leading to infantile speech or a telegraphic style; an aphasic disorder that impairs syntax rather than vocabulary; also agrammatism.
1. Abnormality of shape or form.
2. A branch of clinical genetics concerned with the diagnosis and interpretation of patterns of the three types of structural defects: malformation, disruption, and deformation.
2. A branch of clinical genetics concerned with the diagnosis and interpretation of patterns of the three types of structural defects: malformation, disruption, and deformation.
1. Impaired pancreatic function.
2. A disorder of the function of the pancreas (large elongated glandular organ lying near the stomach which secretes juices into the small intestine and the hormones insulin).
2. A disorder of the function of the pancreas (large elongated glandular organ lying near the stomach which secretes juices into the small intestine and the hormones insulin).
1. An offensive expression or word that is deliberately substituted for a neutral one: Ted's brother used a dysphemism when he was talking about visiting a friend who was in a "loony bin" instead of saying in the "mental hospital".
2. Any physical impairment or problem when speaking: Jan was so chilly from being in the winter storm that she could only explain what happened with dysphemisms of stutters.

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2. Any physical impairment or problem when speaking: Jan was so chilly from being in the winter storm that she could only explain what happened with dysphemisms of stutters.